
Why kids love to play Bakugan

Bakugan is the latest fashion in toys for children between the ages of 6 and 12. The fact that kids love Bakugan means the game can’t be without merit. This article will briefly examine what Bakugan are and try to explain what the appeal is to children.

Originally, Bakugan Battle Brawlers was an animated television series on Japanese television. It is a story about a group of young people who find a series of balls that have magical properties. These balls are the Bakugan. The youngsters use their Bakugan balls to fight evil and evil on their home planet of Vestroia. The show was a hit in the United States and Canada and is currently in its third season.

A tie-in with TV is always an exciting prospect for a child, but I think that’s not the main reason why young children love to play Bakugan. The answer, rather, is in the format of the game.

Bakugan is a mix of marbles and trump cards. Two or more players have to roll (or throw if they have a Bakugan Launcher) spherical Bakugan. If your Bakugan lands on a Gate Card, the Bakugan Ball opens to reveal a Bakugan character with a specific G-Force number. If two opposing Bakugan open on the same Gate card, then the battle must end. At this point, the Gate Card with the two open Bakugan Balls on it is turned over. The Gate card contains various complementary G-force points that will add to the Battle Bakugan’s score. This aspect of the game involves some mental calculations that children will do without thinking that it is a task. At this point, the trump card element comes into play because contestants are given the option to play an ability card that can increase their Bakugan’s overall G-force score. The winner of the battle wins the Gate Card. The overall winner is the first player to capture 3 gate cards.

From this brief explanation, it’s clear that the attraction of Bakugan lies in a combination of various fun elements. Bakugan ball rolling and having the marble rolling skills to place your Bakugan ball on a gate card. This feat is rewarded by opening a ‘cool’ Bakugan to reveal its character and strength. This is a big surprise. But this is not the only surprise because when the Gate Card is turned over, the aspect of the fight can totally change (sometimes, the Gate Card stipulates that the Bakugan with the lowest G-force value is the winner). So choosing which Gate Card to play and choosing which one you want to use as an Ability Card is an enjoyable exercise in strategy, whether the kids love it. Strategy combined with the unexpected is an important ingredient in enjoying a fun game.

In addition to this, players can play Bakugan cheats to try and trick their opponents. The complexity of the results keeps children hooked on the game.

Finally, there are over 90 Bakugan Balls and Bakugan Traps to collect. Some are very intricate in their design. Some are like transformers that can stand alone or join together to make larger, more imposing figures. Kids love collecting Bakugan balls and trading them. The idea of ​​building a collection is another key element in understanding the fun that children find in playing Bakugan.

So there you are. Kids love Bakugan because it’s a combination of marbles and trump cards, it’s a combination of strategy and chance, and finally, it’s a game where the props are collectibles themselves.

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