Health Fitness

cure migraines with food

I wouldn’t wish a migraine on my worst enemy. If you have migraines, I know you understand. My migraines started at the age of 20. They started monthly but soon became biweekly. They lasted 26 years. I’ve tried just about every preventative medication out there and still no relief, and I hated the side effects! Several years ago, I embarked on a healing journey through food, and got rid of my migraines forever! I can’t describe how incredibly liberating it is to not worry about when my next migraine will come. Below are a few examples of what I have implemented in my life to help me break free from migraine.

1) Eat your green leafy vegetables.

Vegetables like kale, bok choy, spinach, kale, lettuce, mustard greens, turnip greens, and Swiss chard provide your body with all kinds of wonderful vitamins and minerals like E, C, K , beta-carotene, potassium, magnesium and folic acid. Low magnesium levels have been shown to be a migraine trigger.

Also, green leafy vegetables with their high fiber and water content delay the absorption of carbohydrates that help stabilize blood sugar.

2) Eliminate processed sugar from your diet.

Too much sugar causes inflammation in your body and makes your blood sugar go up and down. Prolonged inflammation can cause migraines. Choose whole foods like nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans instead of highly processed foods like cookies, granola bars, chips, and candy.

3) Add healthy fats to your diet.

Olives, olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocado, and fatty fish fight inflammation and give your brain the fat it needs to fight fatigue, sharpen memory, balance mood swings, and reduce anxiety. migraines.

4) Reduce stress.

Stress increases inflammation in the body. If stress is not treated, over time it can become chronic. Chronic stress keeps the body in a constant state of chaos. Chronic stress causes cortisol levels to stay high, which keeps blood sugar levels high, narrows arteries, and reduces digestion. All of these factors can contribute to migraines. Therefore, it is so important to focus on ways to reduce stress every day. Exercise, yoga, meditation, deep breathing, and listening to music are all great ways to help you relax and keep chronic stress at bay.

I hope these examples have been useful to you. If you incorporated any of these into your lifestyle and helped reduce your migraines, please share! Here’s to a life free of migraines!

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