Health Fitness

Weight gain from exercise

A common misconception of people who want to lose weight is that if they exercise, they will automatically lose weight. If you are one of them, understand that this is only possible if a good eating plan specially designed for you also accompanies the exercise program. However, if you eat a lot after exercising or even drink too much water during exercise, no matter how long or how vigorously you exercise, you will never lose the desired weight.

Still, diet isn’t the only cause of weight gain when following an exercise program. Other factors can affect weight gain, such as the type of exercise you’re doing, not eating enough calories (instead of eating too much!), or an unknown medical dilemma.

Walking is a great way to lose unwanted pounds. If you allot 30 minutes a day for walking, you’re bound to see some great effects on your body. But again, this depends on the pace you’re following. If you complete a 30-minute brisk walk in an hour, then you won’t burn any calories. Continue with this regimen for about a month and see the results. Increase the amount of time you spend brisk walking and add some variations like yoga and dancing. This way, you don’t just focus your exercises on a single muscle area, so the result is that you burn more fat.

Another thing to consider is that good exercise should go hand in hand with a nutritious diet program specific to your needs. However, if you are a beginner just starting out with your exercise program, a common mistake is to exercise but not monitor your calorie intake. In such cases, you sometimes end up eating more calories than you really need and struggle with the weight gained from eating such a lot of food. There’s really nothing wrong with eating a lot when you’re on an exercise program. The thing to remember is that when you increase the amount of food you give your body, you also need to increase the intensity of your exercises.

The same is true when it comes to eating fewer calories. You can’t completely eliminate fats and carbohydrates from your diet as these food groups provide you with the energy you need to perform your exercise routines. Moderation is the key here. What you can do is eat in small amounts but increase the frequency of meals so that you don’t get the feeling of hunger that leads you to eat more.

Sometimes the cause of trouble losing or gaining weight is a medical problem. If you have a thyroid condition, then you lose excessive weight due to an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) or gain a lot of weight due to an underactive thyroid disease (hypothyroidism). Hormonal imbalance is also one of the main causes of weight gain, even if you exercise religiously.

There is nothing more frustrating than gaining weight despite strictly following an exercise program. Find out what is the cause of your weight gain and start your routine with the help of fitness professionals. Check with your doctor as well to find out if you have an underlying medical condition that is causing the extra weight.

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