Digital Marketing

Getting Rid of Constipated Writer Syndrome – Opening the Floodgates of Content

You have so many things you want to say and for whatever reason, the moment you sit down to say it…nothing comes out.

It’s like sitting on the porcelain throne trying to get rid of that bloated feeling that accompanies constipation.

The more you sit and push, the less nothing happens except an unhappy pain.

That’s what it feels like to have constipated writer’s syndrome.

You sit and think and think and the more you try to push something, the more your head starts to hurt.

So how do you get rid of this awkward and quite painful situation?

Well, my friend, there are three things you can do to turn off your creativity and get those words flowing.

Issue #1 Don’t overanalyze.

For God’s sake, if you scrutinize every last word you write, by the time you put anything together, you’ll have aged another 60 to 90 minutes. You just have to think of an idea and execute it.

Number #2 Fear breeds poverty.

If there’s one thing no one likes to feel, it’s…stupidity. Why would you feel this way? Probably because we put ourselves in the awkward position of trying to meet other people’s standards without having one of our own.

This kind of fear, the fear of being rejected or not accepted can cause you to write things that you will never publish and therefore never benefit from.

Number #3 Keep your eyes on the BIG picture.

Let’s face it, when you and I were growing up, we probably didn’t have in mind spending time hammering away at a keyboard as a way to create a lifestyle that would give us the freedom of time and money we want.

far from there But the fact is, unless you have a plan B you can live with… you better start writing dude.

So the next time you sit down to write remember…

1. Do not analyze too much

2. Fear breeds poverty

3. Keep an eye on the big picture.

You won’t believe the amount of freedom you’ll experience once you put these tips into practice.

You will find that you will be able to sit back at any time and post articles that you can use for various media, giving you more exposure and charging more traffic than you are currently receiving.

Just think how much more profitable your internet business would be once you have the ability to generate content at will.

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