Remember What Comes First – Wilderness Survival Tip

When you are in a survival situation, there are many things going through your head. However, it is very important that you remember the first thing. That is PRWF for Protection, Rescue, Water and Food. -Protection- Your first goal should always be to ensure adequate protection. Even in 50-degree weather, you can get hypothermia, especially if it’s wet and windy. […]

How do I get rid of dog smell from my mattress?

Is your mattress starting to smell like a wet dog? This is nothing new in the mattress cleaning business. Many people sleep with their pet dogs. Since dog hair can easily collect dirt, sweat and grime, your dog can transfer all of that onto your mattress and it will start to stink. The first thing you should consider is getting […]

Alternate nostril breathing exercise

Only 20% of college grads know their 3-pound coconut is fed by blood sugar (glucose) and oxygen. How many know about 25%? of all the oxygen we inhale is required by our brain? And when we study, learn and remember, our left and right hemispheres must have an additional 10% fuel. Skipping breakfast causes early fatigue and a decline in […]

My dog ​​is constipated, what should I do?

Like their owners, almost all dogs periodically suffer from constipation; Some more than others. In most cases, simple precautions and home remedies work enough to help them. However, if the problem gets out of hand, it could become serious, costly, and possibly fatal. Owners of dogs on medications, inactive dogs, seniors, and seniors should pay extra attention when their dog […]

Resolution of Labor Conflicts Myths and Truths

Many people are drawn to the field of conflict resolution. And many are eager to find work in the field. By far the most common questions I receive on my website are questions related to how to practice professionally; most want to mediate and go into private practice. Influenced by articles such as the December 29, 2009 US News and […]