Herbal tea to help eliminate parasites

Herbs tea It is a great remedy to help eliminate parasites naturally. Tea can help kill parasite eggs, as well as kill and flush parasites from the body. Most herbal teas, while not helping to directly expel parasites, will at least help provide an environment in which parasites cannot live. Parasites can only live in a body that has the […]

Contraceptive effectiveness: grapefruit and other dangers that reduce the effectiveness of contraceptives

Do you drink grapefruit juice every morning? Have you taken St. John’s wort recently? Hormonal birth control pills can interact with many other things. Find out what you are doing that could make your birth control less effective even if you didn’t know it. Moment. It is important to take the birth control pill at the same time every day. […]

Makeup tips for women

Women want to look their best at all times. Skin tints, body and face highlights, and concealers are the most sought-after makeups. When applying makeup, the first step is to cleanse the face. An exfoliating cream is used to remove oil residue overnight. It is then hydrated and toned. Makeup application begins after the skin is hydrated and toned. A […]

Sugar addiction: the Stephen Fry paradox

Did you know that for most of his childhood, writer and actor Stephen Fry suffered from sugar addiction? He describes this in vivid detail in his autobiography. The Chronicles of Fry. It led to lies, robberies, and repeated expulsions from various schools. Stephen Fry? But it is a national treasure. And that is the point. She is more than a […]

10 ways to grow long hair quickly

Are you looking at your hair in the mirror and just wish you could grow long hair out quickly? Tired of the crop, cut, grow, cut cycle? It takes a lot of commitment to grow your mane to incredible lengths. But it can be done! Here are the top 10 tips to achieve length in the shortest time possible. You […]

Ear piercing causes eczema

Ear piercing is very popular these days, this has been heavily influenced by changes in fashion statements. Ear piercing is expected to become much more popular. Atopic eczema has also become very common, but very few studies have addressed the idea that the ear piercing itself could be responsible for causing eczema. Ear piercing involves making a hole in the […]

Increase male fertility with herbs

Several couples have managed to conceive with the help of certain supplements and extracts. Herbs can increase male fertility by providing the necessary nutrients as well as the energy properties that are sometimes lacking for healthy and abundant sperm production. As effective as some herbs may be, remember that infertility is a complex condition that may require more than one […]