Lifestyle Fashion

Miracle 2 soap: how to dilute and use it for cleaning and personal care

Miracle 2 soap is highly concentrated and should not be used as is for cleaning or personal hygiene. It must be mixed with water in different proportions. What I find works best is to get some of those 22 or 24 oz spray bottles at the drugstore or larger chain stores. It also helps to get some of those little dropper bottles.

Everyone’s body pH and water hardness are different, so miracle ii soap and water ratios will vary, but here are some general guidelines for common applications:

1) Mix 1-1 / 2 teaspoons of regular miracle ii soap with water to fill the 24 oz spray bottle. You must add the water slowly because it produces a lot of foam and it is difficult to fill the bottle otherwise. This can be used for general household cleaning. You can also make stronger mixes by using 2-3 teaspoons for tougher cleaning jobs in a different spray bottle.

2) Use an old ivory or dial pump soap bottle and put in 1 part soap, 1 part neutralizer and 5 parts water. This works well in the kitchen and bathroom for hand washing. If you like it thicker add more soap. If it is thinner, add more water. You can also use this in the shower as a nice body wash. Some people prefer to use moisturizing soap for this purpose, especially in winter when the skin can become dry.

3) For baths, use 4 capsules of the moisturizing soap or miracle ii and fill the tub with water. If you have the neutralizer, 3 capsules of that additive are recommended. Soak for twenty to thirty minutes. You can help your skin by using a cloth to rub your body. If the water gets cold, add more hot water to make it feel comfortable. This is helpful for the skin to release toxins as the skin is our largest elimination organ.

4) To wash clothes, you can use a few teaspoons of miracle ii soap (regular or moisturizing) to wash your clothes. If your water is hard, you can add a little baking soda. The company also has a wash ball that is reusable for 3 years and does not require additional soap. If you’re washing white clothes, add a little white vinegar for extra bleaching power.

After bathing, use bath water in your toilets and sinks to keep them clean and free of grease that can clog them.

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