Junk Food – Slow Sweet Poison

The best thing to live for is food, food and only food for foodies. But do we really look at the taste or its nutritional value? Many restaurants and eating places have flourished and earn a lot of money from their food business. EXAMPLE: Sodium monoglutamate added in KFC recipes will lead to negative long-term health outcomes. The carbohydrates present […]

How I gained 25 pounds in a week

It started as a challenge to myself. If I were to take all the knowledge I have about weight gain and put it to work at once, how much weight could I gain in a week? What would my upper limit be? A vacation was coming up where I couldn’t do anything but eat, sleep, and train, so I decided […]

The Resolution Revolution

So today is Sunday December 31, 2006; the day before we all changed our lives forever. Apparently. We have told ourselves that tomorrow is the day. The new us. Leaner, lighter, happier, more relaxed, richer, more balanced… different. Better. Between Christmas and New Years we ate our own body weight in food because…that’s what we do and anyway…we start tomorrow! […]

A Guide to Cardio Training

Every person who wants to achieve weight loss wants a cardiovascular program that will help them achieve this goal. After undertaking this program for a while, it is common for each person to wonder if the training is really effective in achieving their goals. If you feel that your cardio program isn’t as effective as you’d like, it’s time to […]

Are energy drinks dangerous for your health?

Do you know a teenager addicted to energy drinks? Energy drink consumption by teens and 20-somethings is the fastest growing group in the soft drink industry, with sales totaling a whopping $9 billion. In fact, they are quite popular on most college campuses and with adults in the workplace. Many of these energy drink companies are finding ways around the […]

The benefit of spoon cabbage

Nutrition and benefits of spoon cabbage Spoon cabbage is widely used in Chinese stir-fry dishes and soup-based dishes like noodle soup. Spoon cabbage nutritious ingredients are really great. It has vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, iron, zinc and a lot of dietary fiber which helps to fill the stomach and also has a cleansing effect. The health benefits of […]

cure migraines with food

I wouldn’t wish a migraine on my worst enemy. If you have migraines, I know you understand. My migraines started at the age of 20. They started monthly but soon became biweekly. They lasted 26 years. I’ve tried just about every preventative medication out there and still no relief, and I hated the side effects! Several years ago, I embarked […]