Don’t diet, here’s why

Eat for good health and the weight will come off. The concept that you can permanently shrink if you temporarily eat less is nonsense, to most of us. In fact, the health benefits of short-term weight loss have yet to be closely examined. Instead, your goal should be to eat nutritious foods that make you look younger and make it […]

walk to lose weight fast

Did you know that walking for fast weight loss is the most popular form of exercise for weight loss? The reason is that almost everyone can walk. There are no barriers to entry and we all know how to walk, right? Take a moment to read a couple of great ways to increase the calories you burn and lose weight […]

The rule book for increasing volume

Getting bigger can be a challenging and time-consuming process, and in my opinion, it’s even more difficult than losing weight. Getting jacked (aka weight gain) through a bulking phase means eating a LOT of food, all the time. I’ve compiled a list of tips to help you bulk up effectively and gain as much muscle as possible without gaining too […]

How to start a walking business

Starting a walking or walking tour business can be quite simple and offers many benefits to business owners. You don’t have to live near a National Park or tourist attraction for this business to work. In fact, there may be multiple walking or hiking business location opportunities right under your nose, and there may be virtually no competition! There are […]

3 day workout routine

In a previous article, I suggested a 5-day workout routine, which focuses primarily on training each body part separately every day. For example: Monday-chest, Tuesday-arms, Wednesday-shoulders, Thursday-back, Friday-legs, and weekend-rest. Although I believe that the ideal workout is one where you dedicate a single workout to a single body part, most of us don’t have the time available to run […]

Home Fitness Equipment and You

There are many good reasons why you should be concerned about your physical health and protect yourself from the growing number of heart-related diseases, diabetes, and obesity that threaten both men and women today. Home fitness equipment allows you to get in shape in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Bring the gym to your home. The advantages […]