Who are the most famous Olympic athletes in the history of the United States of America?

Evelyn Ashford (100m, 200m/Athletics) In the second half of the 20th century, interestingly, American sprinter Evelyn Ashford participated in four Summer Games: Canada 1976, Los Angeles 1984, Korea 1988, and Spain 1992, after earning the right at the US Olympic Trials to the late 1980s, he was also a member of the 1980 US Olympic Team that boycotted the Moscow […]

A New Earth – Author Eckhart Tolle & Oprah – Ways to Say No and Types of Energy

During chapter 2 of the online course for his book A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle with Oprah answered a caller’s question about knowing when to let go and when to be assertive. Michelle called from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to join in the discussion and asked, “I’m a little confused about Chapter 2. I understand the quote, ‘If someone takes your shirt […]