American Mobsters – John Morrissey (Old Smoke)

Johnny Morrissey started out as a feared bare-knuckle boxer, but later became a gang member and leg-breaker for Tammany Hall politicians. Morrissey was born in Templemore, County Tipperary, Ireland, in 1831. The famous potato famine was in his infancy, but his parents saw the writing on the wall. They emigrated to the United States in 1833, settling in Troy, New […]

305 Marguerite Avenue – A modern sanctuary?

#305 Marguerite Cartwright Avenue, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Campus For many staff and students of the University of Nigeria and others across planet Earth it may just be another home in the suburbs of the University of Nigeria staff, campus from Nsukka and for probably. The house in question is quite historic. Why do you ask? It has at one […]

The conquest of Africa by one man

Tim Baily is more than just a safari operator, he is a man with a passionate love for his native Africa, and with some justification he can also claim to be an expert on the more violent side of African politics. For the past eight years, Tim, in his efforts to set up his trans-African safari company, has continually found […]