Legal Law

Can good legal advice be free?

The services of a lawyer can often be expensive depending on the type of legal advice required. While many lawyers offer a free consultation for a variety of services, most will wait until they are hired to provide real legal advice. Millions of people cannot or do not want to pay for this advice. Some may simply not be able to afford it. Others may consider such advice unworthy of the accompanying fee. Still others may believe that they can find legal information about their personal circumstances online, thus avoiding having to hire a lawyer.

Below we will briefly discuss the nature of legal advice and how legal websites can do more harm than good. Finally, we will offer advice on how to find a good lawyer when the need arises.

How is legal advice defined?

Since legal advice is generally understood and recognized, it must come from a bona fide attorney. That is, if a person works for a lawyer, but is not licensed or certified by the State Bar Association, the advice given by that person will not be recognized in a court of law as “legal advice.” In short, it is not reliable.

Use of legal websites

There are thousands of websites that offer legal information. Those who visit these websites are rewarded with a rich experience of informative advice and guidance on a wide range of legal matters. However, the information on these websites should not be construed as legal advice provided by a licensed attorney. It should be considered as an opinion only.

There are a number of potential drawbacks to using legal websites to obtain information about the law. First, the information is unreliable (as mentioned above). It may be accurate, but you can’t trust it to be. If the information turns out to be false, you will have no recourse. Second, legal issues are often complex and each person’s situation has unique dynamics. A website can only offer general information that is not specific. Without the legal advice of a lawyer to address a person’s various needs, such information is often of negligible value.

When you need a lawyer

First of all, you need to understand that hiring the services of a good lawyer may not cost you as much as you think. Lawyers are often compensated if and when you win your case. Second, many lawyers will offer a free consultation to prospective clients. Take advantage of this. It is an opportunity for you and the attorney to determine if working together makes sense. Finally, try to speak with an attorney who is experienced in your type of situation. In many cases, the price you will pay for your guide will pay itself over and over again. While expert legal advice from a licensed attorney is not usually free, it can be invaluable.

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