Is a radar gun reading or caller ID display inadmissible?

As a Fort Lauderdale criminal attorney, I regularly have clients arrested for driving under the influence or drug possession ask me, “Can the police testify in court about the results of a radar gun to show my vehicle speed or trust on a caller ID screen to prove I made a phone call?…Shouldn’t this evidence be considered inadmissible hearsay?” According […]

Analytical / Intuitive Thinking

This article looks at the different strengths and weaknesses of analytical and intuitive thinking, which combined can be called holistic thinking. Since thought is by nature invisible and abstract, the article uses an analogy as a representation: the anatomy of the cornea. In the very center of the cornea there are grouped cone cells, which have the function of focusing […]

Tips for kayaking with children

With a little thought and planning, kayaking with kids is a great way to foster a love of nature and help them develop hand-eye coordination. With kids, it’s usually a good idea to choose a kid-friendly destination without a lot of boat traffic or strong currents. You may want to start at small nearby lakes until they get a little […]