Real Estate

When is the best time to buy RVs and the worst time to buy an RV?

The best time to buy an RV from a dealer and an owner is during the off-season. Private owners know that they will have to winterize it and store it. Instead of the hassle of winterizing it out of winter, and having to pay to store the motorhome or trailer out of season, they might try to sell it quickly for what they can get for it.

Distributors know that they will do much better if they can increase their cash flow in the off-season and offload some of their excess inventory. Reducing your inventory allows you to cut your interest expenses for the next 5-6 months.

The best time to buy an RV from a dealer is about two weeks after it’s cold and buyer traffic has slowed down considerably. On the first snow day, you could go to a big dealership and be the only one there. Another time to buy from a dealer might be at an RV show or during a dealer lot promotion. Recreational vehicle dealers are prepared to sell as much as they can, and you may walk away with a robbery.

The worst time to buy a new or used RV is right before you’re ready to go on an RV trip. You are more eager to buy than to sell. If you tell them that you plan to go to Disneyland next week and need it for the trip, they may decide that you are an overly eager shopper and try to get as much as they can for the sale. Generally speaking, it is best not to say anything so as not to appear anxious.

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