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What are the best herbs to increase fertility?

Since prescription drugs can often produce serious side effects, more and more people are looking for herbs to increase fertility. There are a number of natural treatments that can help combat infertility, some of which have been shown to be just as effective as their pharmaceutical counterparts.

Infertility is one of the most common disorders in men and women of reproductive age, affecting 1 in 4 couples. It can be caused by a number of problems, including underlying health conditions, drug abuse, alcoholism, and physical abnormalities. In many cases, the problem is hormonal deficiency and/or imbalances.

An effective herbal remedy for infertility involves the use of various extracts that have been shown to help balance hormone levels and promote fertility. In addition to herbs, there are vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that can be helpful.

The benefits of herbs to increase fertility compared to conventional treatments are twofold. First, they can treat the condition naturally, introducing natural compounds into the body that can produce beneficial effects. Prescription drugs are man-made chemicals… while designed to help treat the specific problem, they can cause a host of problems for the rest of your body, which is why there are so many potential side effects.

Second, an herbal remedy for infertility can be beneficial to your overall health, as it will contain antioxidants and other important compounds that can boost immune function, fight disease, and benefit your cardiovascular system, among other things. Thus, you are not only fighting infertility, but also promoting general well-being at the same time.

There are fertility herbs for men and women, and each works differently to achieve the same goal. Often a combination of herbal extracts is the most effective tool, as each maximizes the benefits of the other. Let’s take a look at some of the best-researched herbs for increasing fertility:

Black Cohosh is one of the most popular herbal fertility supplements and can also help treat the symptoms of menopause. Cohosh mimics the effect of estrogen, helping to balance hormone levels and stimulating the release of the egg from the ovary.

Dong Quai can increase progesterone levels and regulate the menstrual cycle. It can also be useful to combat male infertility by increasing sperm motility.

Wild yam can help strengthen the uterine lining and blood vessels in the uterus. It is also found in a male herbal remedy for infertility, as it can increase nerve activity in the male sexual organs.

Red clover balances the secretion of hormones in the pituitary gland and uterus, helping to promote fertility in women.

In addition to these fertility herbs, there are other nutrients that can be very helpful for couples having difficulties with conception. Zinc can help men with low testosterone levels at recommended doses. It should be noted that excessive amounts can compromise the immune system, so be sure to stick to adequate amounts. The amino acid L-carnitine can also help regulate sperm count.

For women, the family of B vitamins, especially folic acid, B6 and B12, may be beneficial, as well as selenium and essential fatty acids.

Many supplements contain herbs to increase fertility, as well as vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that can help combat infertility. Be sure to check with your doctor first before taking any supplements…he or she can help you decide if a natural herbal infertility remedy is right for you.

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