
Welcome to the New Spiritual Economy

Goodbye Kansas. Hello Oz! It’s best to let go and prepare for the trip, because it’s not “business as usual” anymore. The limiting barriers of the materialistic worldview are giving way to the rise of a new world. His economy is the Spirit.

Where is the bank? Where are the resources? The bank is within you. you are the bank. Your resources have not yet been discovered. In another article entitled “The Bank of the New World”, we are going to take a guided adventure to the bank of the new world, but first there is something important to understand about the new spiritual economy.

We are changing from an extrinsic value system of seeking happiness and personal fulfillment to an intrinsic value system where happiness and fulfillment come from within. In the old extrinsic value system, what we seek is outside of us. In the new intrinsic value system, we find what we need within ourselves, we find immediate and direct satisfaction, including our self-esteem and personal power. Extrinsic values ​​are based on illusions, lies, and deception while intrinsic values ​​are based on truth, love, and brotherhood.

In the old material-based economy, we primarily sought external things like houses, cars, and electronics, or physical sensations, often addictive indulgences like food, sex, or drugs. And we really needed to look good: young, beautiful and perfect… celebrity style, according to society’s notion. The extrinsic reward is getting material things from the outside to feel a certain way. We have been conditioned to think that it is vitally important to achieve things, impress others and feed our own vanity. It is ego gratification. It nails down the limitation of who we “think” we are and makes us powerless, victimized and always wanting. We don’t even realize that what we are looking for is the feeling, not the thing or the person. Extrinsic values ​​promote selfishness and possessiveness. He is a cheater. It is a tortuous route towards what we already have, or rather, what we already are.

In the new spiritual economy, we look for intrinsic value. It’s about how we feel inside. It’s about how we feel about ourselves. It is generated by the expression of the True Self. A great way to understand intrinsic value is to recall an experience where you reached out beyond yourself and did something completely for someone else. You had nothing to gain. You didn’t expect anything in return. You simply did it because you were inspired by compassion, sympathy or affection. Love flowed through you to another in an expression of kindness. By helping and giving to others, we gain an unfathomable sense of kindness. A deep and inexplicable good feeling inside that is real and pure. This is intrinsic value. It’s natural. it is profound. It is rewarding to our Spirit because we have grown beyond the limited concept of ourselves. It just feels right at the core of our being. We feel good about ourselves. It is in truth, an expression of the totality of being.

In the new spiritual economy, we are consciously connected to our whole being and have an unlimited supply of inner resources to draw on. These resources are intrinsic. However, the materialistic values ​​that have made us seek extrinsic rewards have been promoted, induced, and ingrained in our subconscious mind. Some seek to control through this deadened sense of the illusory self that is separate and powerless. The tools of fear and manipulation, and what I can clearly see as misperception, have been used to suppress our Spirit. But how can anyone control us once we know our true power? They just can’t.

WE ARE Spirit. We are powerful. Our resources are limited. At the core of our being is our own infinite supply of energy, the true wealth of the universe. By paying attention to our core on a regular or continuous basis, we tap into the richness of our being.

As we express from our center, we are aligned with truth and integrity. This is where true self-esteem comes from. We do not need to seek external approval or validation. We KNOW who we are through expression based on pure intention, love and goodwill.

First recognize this fact: For any extrinsic reward or acquisition, the things we want to get or experience, we’re really trying to get it to give a certain feeling. If you wear new clothes, you feel great. If you get a new car, you feel great. If you have all the right things: boyfriend or husband, girlfriend or wife, your favorite car, your perfect house, your perfect job, you feel great. Therefore, we try to acquire things or people, but it is an indirect way with a lot of work, strategies and effort. One shortcut we use is to go to the movies and let those scenes inspire feelings within us. That is still receiving it from the outside. And as always, it’s still about the feelings we seek. Most of us don’t really know. Feelings are the energy of life. We want to feel alive!

We are conditioned to believe that acquiring things that will bring us happiness comes from doing things in our outer world, the material world. It is about doing. In this paradigm, our personal life energy is used for work. Work takes time, and time is money. It is the only way to survive!! (So ​​we are told.) Those who control money control the world. (So ​​some believe). System of imposed values. Restrictions imposed. Is not true. Wake up.

Right before our eyes, we are seeing the fabricated abstract monetary system based on perception deception crumble. However, we do not have to fall apart. Although some are still under the spell of their illusion, we will overcome them with the new spiritual economy. This awareness can change our lives in an instant.

The whole key in the new spiritual economy is to focus our attention on the Source, the core of our inner being. First we get the feelings we want, then we create our circumstances. Actually, life itself is doing everything through us. We realize that we were not who we thought we were. It is a great relief to surrender to infinite intelligence and allow it to guide our life experiences. We let go of control and self-delusion and cooperate with the intelligence of life itself.

It is easy. We can simply tune in by maintaining a high vibration of love and goodwill and simply flow with the river of life. By letting go of trying to control our life and our world, we have the power to co-create life’s experiences with ease and grace. Life is abundantly rich, naturally. However, he is a different kind of rich. We just feel joyful and at peace no matter what.

Gratitude and appreciation are excellent ways to anchor our consciousness in the new spiritual economy. By holding this high vibration, we can see the purpose of life and our own purpose, and experience a much higher quality of life.

This new spiritual economy arises from a value system based on love. It is replacing a deceptive materialistic value system that attempts to control others through fear and fosters a sense of victimization. The new way of being in the spiritual economy gives a feeling of freedom and empowerment.

Remember these truths. you are rich. You are a bank of infinite love-substance. You contain infinite light-intelligence. You can create anything. Go to the center of your deepest being and imagine a life and a world that you want to create and experience. Enter that vision with your full awareness. Feel it and give thanks. Do this repeatedly, with rhythm, and watch your life change.

Give of yourself with a sense of brotherhood to realize your true whole self. Through true self-expression, you can become more alive and joyful than ever. You will feel your true wealth.

Blessings of love, peace, gratitude and empowerment are yours today, just let go and open to receive.

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