
Using Olive Oil Lice Treatment: How To Get Rid Of Lice In Just 2 Hours

Recently, many anxious parents have turned to natural home remedies to treat their children for head lice as a safer alternative to over-the-counter and prescription pesticide shampoos and creams. One of the most popular and easily accessible remedies is olive oil treatment for head lice.

Before we look at ways to effectively use this simple daily product to get rid of lice, you need to know exactly what type of parasite we’re dealing with.

lice are insects they are about the size of a sesame seed that live on the human scalp. For them to survive and thrive they only need 2 things; heat and small amounts of blood. They get both out of your head!

When they bite you to feed on your blood, their saliva leaves small deposits that can cause an allergic reaction on the surface of your scalp. This reaction appears as small, reddish, raised areas of the skin that become extremely itchy.

Having an uncontrollable urge to keep scratching your head is usually one of the first and most obvious signs that you have head lice.

But how can this be? My children have fair hair.

If you thought that only unsanitary people and homeless people got these pesky little beasts, then you’re not the only one who believes this. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Lice do not choose who they decide to make their home with.

Long hair or short hair. Dirty hair or clean hair. It makes no difference to a louse. All they want is a warm host in which to reside and feed.

The way to get rid of head lice for many years has been to use a medicated shampoo of some kind or a prescription chemical based pesticide. But over time, these types of treatment have become less and less effective, as lice have developed a resistance to many of the components that make them up. Some of them have even been shown to have dangerous side effects for health.

While chemical products seem to be less effective, natural home remedies still achieve fantastic results.

One of these simple home remedies is olive oil. It doesn’t need to be expensive first-pressed virgin olive oil, in fact the cheaper base oils seem to work better.

The effective use of oil to get rid of lice has been scientifically proven.

A study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health concluded: “When the lice were completely covered in olive oil for two hours, they died from suffocation..”

How to correctly apply a treatment for lice with olive oil.

You must apply this treatment correctly to get the best results. The key to applying the oil is to make sure that the hair is fully covered.

The easiest way to do this is to divide your hair into small sections of about 1 inch and carefully brush the oil through one section at a time.

When you are sure that the hair has been completely soaked in the olive oil, you should place a plastic wrap over all the hair trying not to get air. Leave to act for at least 2 hours and then wash the hair with shampoo.

Once shampooed, the hair should be combed with a lice comb to remove any lice and nits that may have been present.

To make sure you avoid reinfestationyou should repeat this treatment several times over a period of 14 to 21 days to ensure you have killed them all.

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