Tours Travel

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Play Cornhole

You may already be aware of this amazing outdoor activity/game that has been enjoyed in the Midwest since the 1960s.

Or maybe this is new to you. Either way, here’s why you should be out there right now with your bags and boards.

  1. It is not located on your sofa! That’s right, you have to get up and leave your house, apartment, shack to play. We could all use some exercise and some fresh air and sunshine. No, your skin won’t go up in flames like a vampire if you really put down your computer mouse, X-BOX or WII controller, or cell phone and venture into the light.
  2. It’s more fun than, well, almost anything! I know, it’s really just half sheets of plywood raised 10% on the back with a 6 inch hole cut in each, placed 27 feet apart and 8 bean bags thrown into said holes. But even those who say it’s nonsense, or just plain horseshoes, fall in love immediately as soon as you place a beanbag in their hand and they throw it away. You’ll see them smile and say, “Give me another bag, I just want to try one more time.” Then 4 hours later, they’re officially hooked.
  3. It’s a great workout you don’t even realize you’re doing! Honestly, the first time I played, we spent 6 hours, until we couldn’t see the boards. We all finish our libations, say our goodbyes, schedule another game, and retire to our own homes. The next day when I woke up from my extra good sleep, I was feeling exhausted in places I clearly hadn’t been using for years. But in a good way! It felt good to call my friends and talk about my sore calf muscles and gluteus maximus.
  4. It’s incredibly addictive! There are a lot of addictive things out there that are very negative. This is addictive in a good way. Exercise, sun, fellowship, competition and also fun. How can that be bad? And believe me, when I say addictive, I mean ADDICTIVE. Before you know it, you’ll be discussing pitching techniques with your spouse, wind spin with your opponents, and cornholing with everyone.
  5. Anyone can play! 8 of my cohorts and I recently went to a friend’s house for a cookout and Cornhole. Nearby was a group of grillers, 10 in number, of all ages and both sexes. As usual, we didn’t have to invite them. Simplicity registers in their eyes when you see them think, “I can do that!” and “Why do they keep disappearing?” Then, while we were taking a break, we introduced ourselves and invited them to try it. Before we knew what had happened, we had met new friends, people our host had lived with for years but had never met. The 8-year-olds, their older sisters and all the adults played. (And we got some of the best ribs I’ve ever had!)

So are you ready? I know you are! “But wait a minute, how do I get the boards and bags?” you ask. Easy, resources are all over the web, but actually, it’s very easy to create your own. Email me at the contact information below and let me know what you need. I will also post an article on building your own boards and bags.

Oh yeah! Almost forgot, make sure you ask for the link to the “Cornhole Song”.

If you don’t start after watching this video, you never will. Patrick ONeill is an avid Cornhole addict who lives in Jacksonville, Fl with his tortoiseshell cat Shorty McGee and has plenty of time for writing articles and Cornholing because he works from home. If you want to find out if a work-at-home career with no boss is for you, click the LEARN MORE link below.

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