The Law of Attraction: We are ALL on the cutting edge of thinking

We are all standing at the forefront of thought. This universe is expanding every day. It expands by virtue of the creations we produce and the creations our ancestors thought of but could not produce. This is the nature of this evolving universe. Sometimes people think that things are created by an external force but in reality we are co-creating with the infinite intelligence that is part of all of us.

In other words, if we can think it, we can create it.

And the law of attraction is responding to our vibrations from everything. So, for example, tonight, just before I started writing this, I was in a webinar with two people who are leaders in the internet marketing industry. They are doing things online that have never been done before. Now they can only do this because of the ideas that have come before them. What I mean by that is that if they were trying to do this 50 years ago, it couldn’t have happened because our thinking hadn’t imagined that this could be the case.

Nobody imagined 50 years ago that they could earn 10 million dollars on the internet in a couple of years. In fact, there weren’t even computers then. So everything is based on the following. Also, these ideas have arisen from the wishes of our ancestors who wanted a better life.

Take the lives of women, for example. 50 years ago they were very different from how they are now. My life as a woman is much better than my mother’s thanks to the efforts of many women who have paved the way.

The law of attraction is responding to all the contrast and the state of knowledge that we are living. When someone knows that something is possible with all their heart and gets into the emotional state of it, they tap into the resources of the entire universe to help put them in their place. All knowledge and circumstances will arise to co-create with that person.

So each new idea that we align with, that is, accessing pure positive emotions, must arise. This is the law of attraction. It is an exciting time to be alive because there is so much that is possible in this day and age. Sometimes those ideas that we will have, if we only imagine them, must and will manifest.

We are more powerful than we ever imagined. We’ve only had a small taste of our power. The Law of Attraction teachings are so powerful, so wonderful, and so uplifting that when we realize our true power, we will be amazed beyond belief.

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