
Spiritual practice in a changing world

Well, this was certainly a march for the record books, wasn’t it? An experience few or none of us have ever had; global pandemic.

Today it occurred to me that we have been praying for global change, haven’t we? Well, here are the people … the cards have been dealt. Now the question is how do we play them?

I’ve been working on my talk for Sunday April 5 and it really speaks to what I’m thinking and feeling, so here are some excerpts.

Such a song in the wild branches ~ Mary Oliver
“It was spring and I finally heard it among the first leaves –
First, I stood still and didn’t think of anything.
Then I started to listen.
Then I was overjoyed.
Such soft, solemn and perfect music does not last more than a few moments.
It is one of those magical places that wise people like to talk about.
One of the things they say about it, it’s true, is that once you’ve been there, you’re there forever.
Is it spring, is it morning?
Are there trees near you and does your own soul need comfort?
Quick, then, open the door and fly with your heavy feet; the song may already be fading. “

Amid the clamor of recent weeks, a soft and still voice has begun to emerge, if you listen carefully … as the Talmud reminds us, “Every blade of grass has its angel leaning over it and whispering.” Grow, grow ‘”.

I hear people talking about getting back to normal and I’m honestly reconsidering. I mean, I understand what we’re saying is that we miss the familiar. We find comfort in the familiar and that is normal and natural, but what an amazing moment this is and what an amazing opportunity, as Whitmman says, to reconsider everything we’ve been told and discard what insults our souls.

For my part, I don’t want to go back. We can’t go back anyway. The river of life only flows in one direction, so what if we started asking a few different questions, better questions, like; What do I want to BE, in the world? And can I be creative and be creative now, during this time? Can I practice living in alignment with the desires of my heart and soul during this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Think about it. You can be an artist, a philanthropist (speaking of which, remember to keep giving to the Center. We still have bills to pay). Or you can be a victim or a hero.

“I am a place where the good of God is manifested in the world”, today and every day. However, I am a victim of circumstance, unable to influence the direction of my own life. But look, we know we know different. We know better. We can no longer claim ignorance or helplessness.

And here is the other news; whatever you choose, more or less, they are both powerful and highly charged attractors. Pick a position and the universe will respond immediately with a preponderance of evidence that you are right.

This IS where the rubber meets the road. It is no longer a distant date and time when we can apply our faith and beliefs. Now is the time, and if you haven’t yet tested the power of your own mind and heart, isn’t April a wonderful time and space to experiment?

What else would you rather do? To complain? Putting up a tent without being conscious? We can choose that. Free will and choice are still fully at stake, but if there is a better option that will result in greater personal and global well-being, why wouldn’t we choose that?

I am not denying, avoiding or repressing in any way that many people are going through difficulties and there will be more. I recognize it, in advance. And I’m seeing how creativity continues to invite novelty, a new season. It’s on the horizon, but we can’t see it yet. It has never existed before so we get anxious because we don’t know what it would look like.

So this is what we can remember at times like these; First, God is all there is. Period, without exception. And yes, that means that even this virus is in some way part of the Greater Whole.

Global changes have often occurred as a result of global changes. Do you know what I mean? And that’s going on right now, right? So what if we asked ourselves, “How do I want this to change me? In a new world order, if we could create something … wonderful, kind and caring, what would my part be in that? differently than I have historically? What is the gift of this, to me? “

What if we dedicate the month of April to sacred research, to paying attention to that soft and peaceful voice that lives in each one of us?

What if … and this is the second point that we must keep in mind when thinking about this, and that is, in fact, we are co-creating a new world order right now with everything we think, feel and do . Start with that. It always has and always will.

And you and I have been purposely, intentionally given primary responsibility for one person; Ourselves. It is a full time job. My job is always, always, always my job, and while doing my job I change things. Repeat that with me; As I do my work, I change things and the work changes me, each and every time. And since we’re all connected, and we’re getting another lesson from that right now, aren’t we? Realizing how interconnected we are? Broadcasting. We are always broadcasting something.

A few years ago I had the pleasure of working with London-trained physician Dr. Robin Kelly on his book The Human Antenna. In it Robin describes … well, here it is;
“Cells communicate using electric fields: our bones and ligaments are in fact semiconductors. This means that they can transmit both energy, like the power cable to the computer, and information, like the cable that goes to the Internet. This semiconductor property of cells, first observed by scientists half a century ago, is key to explaining how information can occur. This exchange of information can occur as fast as the speed of light. The structures in each of our cells capture and transmit signals both from the inside as from the outside body, like little antennae “.

What are you broadcasting today? Is it peace, joy, goodness and love? Patience? Sorry? Faith? Or is it something else?

Here is the question; Is what I am thinking, saying and doing today in line with my vision of a new world, a new world order that works for everyone? Remember that you can be whatever you want, whatever you choose for the month of April. No one can see you experimenting. You have nothing to lose, right? And so we consider this to reinvent things, one person at a time, because that’s the only way global change happens; One person at a time.

What is mine to be today? And what is my heart and soul’s desire to move toward something new and wonderful?

That’s our theme for April, bright starts, and I think it’s vitally important that at some point, at any time, we start to divert our attention. Yes, what is happening requires a lot of attention and that is very good, but a few weeks have passed and we can, if we decide to do so, start thinking about the future. Not too far, but maybe only until April and May.

How do you want to show yourself to the world in May of this year? The good news is that you have the entire month of April to practice. And in the privacy of your own home! Imagine, imagine what is possible; each person who reads this, a pebble in the pond, or a human antenna, transmitting with each breath, with each beat of each heart.

What am I contributing to the Greater Whole? What does my heart want to contribute? There is another great question; What does my heart want to contribute to the great whole today? Ask yourself that every morning this month, please. We have to start somewhere, right? And the only place we can start is exactly where we are right now, right? So, write this down, post it on your bathroom mirror and on your; What does my heart want to contribute to the great whole today?

Ernest Holmes ~ “We must keep this in mind: Spirit makes all things of Himself. Everything arises effortlessly, and when we strive we disagree with Creative Spirit in the way it works. The Spirit’s urge to To move must be caused by a desire to express what He feels He is: Beauty, Form, Color, Life, Love and Power. All things that we find in the manifested universe are caused to arise through the Word, because the Spirit wants have fun “.

I’ve never seen Dr. Holmes say we’re here to show God a good time before, but there it is. How does the Spirit want to enjoy himself, through and like me, today?

Ladies and gentlemen, how long have we been praying for global change? Well, here it is! You do not like? I know, but here it is anyway. We may regret how it manifested itself, but … if nothing else, this should teach us to be a little more specific about our prayer work, yes? We are ready for a global change, we pray for it to happen and then we complain because we are upset.

Let’s pause with that for a second so that we can be a little realistic about this (global change may cause annoyance for some people) and again we can complain all we want, but here are the cards that have been dealt to us. Every time here are the cards that have been dealt to us, so now, how do we want to play them and tell them that each person has to make that decision for themselves?

I remember that other saying: “Do I want to be right or do I want to be happy?” Right now, happy looks pretty handsome. Maybe that’s part of what these great events do; help us clear things up. Are you still clear on what is really important to you?

Ah, here is another practice for you to practice during the month of April. Put a blank sheet of 8.5 by 11 paper on your refrigerator and give it a title; What really mattered to me is ___. What is really very important to my heart is ___. If it’s not currently clear, it will be soon. Clarity will come.

My invitation to you is that you do not filter what appears in the mystical and magical month of April if you say yes to this invitation that could be something unique in life. Just notice and write it down. In fact, dare to be surprised, even delight, in reacquainting yourself with your own heart. Now is the time. This is the season.

Dr. Ernest Holmes writes, “Jesus knew what we must all learn: that we really cannot have an attitude of dislike, hatred, or cruelty without depriving ourselves of the healing power and the comforting presence and divine assurance that the universe itself rests upon it. shoulders of love “.

And Anais Nin reminds us, “And the day came when the risk of staying tight in a bud was more painful than the risk of blooming.”

The day has arrived. This is the eleventh hour. We are the ones we were waiting for.
Today we are at the forefront of a spring season like no other we have ever known, a season of global change. We all participate in making this happen, and it is okay. It is difficult and there are certainly challenges, but I know that we are eternal beings here on this planet in the blink of an eye, and what do we want to do with our time here?

I’ll borrow again from Mary Oliver: “What do you want to do with your one precious life?” And I’ll add to that ‘today … this season. This month. What do I dare to try, this month – today – what is mine to be?

April is a very, very good month for spiritual practice.

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