
So you really want to raise a chihuahua puppy?

Chihuahuas are really small dogs. Commonly known as the teacup Chihuahua, they are usually diminutive at around 4 pounds fully grown but, due to this small size, they are a fragile breed. In reality, there really is no such thing as a teacup Chihuahua, they just fall into the category of toy dogs. Yes, as puppies they could fit in a teacup, but the teacup Chihuahua is really something of a misnomer.

Unfortunately these days these tiny dogs seem to be worn as accessories and celebrity fashion statements and this is a bit unfortunate. While they may be well loved by their famous owners, the idea being presented seems to ignore the fact that these are living, breathing animals that cannot be the accessory jewel of the moment.

Chihuahuas are not easy dogs to breed. The so-called teacup chihuahua is actually a very fragile little thing that requires constant attention and is prone to illnesses like hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar, or more serious ailments like hydrocephalus, a condition in the extra fluid builds up in the brain. They could also have liver and heart problems.

Due to its size, the Toy Chihuahua is prone to all sorts of problems and sky-high veterinary bills. They can also cause distress with premature death.

A Chihuahua should weigh no less than 4 pounds when fully grown and should ideally weigh more. Keep in mind that these little beauties can’t be allowed to jump off furniture or play rough because they will break, really!

If you are someone who leaves the house all day, then do not consider getting a chihuahua. They need company and hate being alone for more than a couple of hours, they require a lot of feeding to avoid low blood sugar and you can count on 4-6 feedings a day.

Do you still want a chihuahua? Okay, if you think you can provide it adequately, why not? They are rewarding to the extent that they have a high cuteness factor and you want to be around them. Every Chihuahua seems to have a strong little personality and they are affectionate dogs that are easier to train as puppies.

Make sure you keep them warm at all times as they have very fine hair – the Chihuahua comes with either a straight or long coat, but whatever the type, they will still need insulation when it’s cold inside or outside.

You will certainly be rewarded for having a pet like the chihuahua as they can be fantastic companions. However, he does not enter the idea lightly. He knows what he’s getting himself into and is realistic about the amount of care he can provide for what is essentially a high-maintenance pet.

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