
Purchase and use of emergency road services

Some form of roadside emergency service has been around since the first car rolled off the lot over a hundred years ago. Consumers today have too many options when it comes to figuring out how to handle emergencies while traveling.

Many car manufacturers now offer free roadside assistance with the purchase of your new car. This may seem a bit redundant to many car owners, as if the car breaks down under warranty, the dealer usually has to come and tow it for repairs. However, breaking down completely is usually the least of your problems and the lowest occurrence of roadside complaints when you ask for help.

Most roadside emergency services cover everything from running out of gas to fixing a flat tire. There are many optional services available when you choose your plan and service provider, and of course, the more options you choose, the more expensive your plan will be. However, some of the options are almost mandatory if you want to get your money’s worth from the annual membership. Options like free battery charging and free fluid refills when you get your car repaired for other reasons are certainly worth the few extra dollars you’d pay.

Another worthwhile option that should be seriously considered is being able to have two trucks take your car to the destination of your choice (usually within 50 miles). Without this, if something happens to your car while you’re on the go, you don’t need to be forced to take your car to a garage you’re not familiar with.

Also make sure that you are what is covered, not just the car! This may sound strange, but its real goal is to make sure you’re safe on the road and can get help when you need it. In other words, if you need to borrow your mom’s car and it breaks down, make sure the service provider still helps you out.

And, if your mom needs to borrow her car, she’ll be able to ask for help, too. It works both ways.

As you research different plans, make sure you understand exactly what you’re getting for the money you pay. Are you limited in the number of visits or service calls? Some plans don’t make it very obvious, but if you read the fine print, you’ll only get three or four chances to make service calls. Also find out if your car can be repaired at home. Not all problems occur while driving, but some plans simply don’t cover home visits, no matter what.

Prices vary a lot. However, don’t make your decision based on cost alone. Decide what you need and go from there. Plan to spend around $120 a year for decent coverage. And don’t make the mistake of assuming a new car will be fine. Even new tires can blow out and transmissions can fail.

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