
pomeranian dog

Description: The Pomeranian is, of course, a small dog; stands 8 to 12 inches tall with a weight of 3 to 7 pounds. They have a wedge head and a short nose, the color of which can be different depending on their coat color. They have a double coat, which is abundant, the outer coat consisting of fairly long hair with a thick, downy undercoat. They come in a variety of different colors, with a long haired tail. While they are delicate dogs, their appearance from the front is somewhat reminiscent of a fox, while from behind they look like a huge ball of fluff on legs.

History. Pomeranians are descendants of the arctic dogs that used to pull sleds, although they were originally much larger than the breed as we know them today, weighing between 28 and 33 pounds. On a trip to Italy, Queen Victoria fell in love with this breed of dog and brought it to England. It is Queen Victoria who reduced them to their current size, so although they originated in the Arctic, the dog as we know it today was in fact a product of the United Kingdom. Queen Victoria is also known to have introduced these dogs in shows. This breed became a popular pet and was owned by such famous people as Marie Antoinette, Mozart, and of course, Queen Victoria. Pomeranians were first recognized by the AKC in 1888.

Temper. Pomeranians are intelligent, proud, and loyal dogs that are usually eager to learn. Given that, the general temperament of the breed is laid-back and affectionate in nature. They are very popular among toy dog ​​breeds. With an active and inquisitive disposition, it is an independent and free-thinking dog. Due to these tendencies, a firm but gentle approach to training is necessary. If pampered excessively, these dogs can become quite dominant, although they are very cute and seemingly fragile, they are in fact very robust dogs for their size. It is important not to spoil this dog, as if he does, the dog will see himself as the leader of the pack and will essentially take over the household from him. While they obviously require daily exercise, due to their size this is not a particular task, as they do not need to walk great distances, and a normal play session can cover a portion of their exercise requirements.

Health problems. The main health problems of Pomeranians are related to knee joints and dental problems. They are also predisposed to heart disease. It is recommended that they be fed dry dog ​​food to help reduce tooth decay. As puppies they are obviously very small and fragile, therefore when they are very young care must be taken when handling them.

Cleanliness. Pomeranians are constant shedders and as such need to be brushed frequently, quite easy to do but time consuming. Working from the head, you would brush his fur forward, removing any debris. Your hair will fall back into place naturally. The downy undercoat will usually shed twice a year. Regular brushing will remove loose or shed hair, reducing the amount of vacuuming needed in the home. Although it is not part of grooming, you should regularly check your pet’s teeth and take him to the vet if there are any problems with them.

Life conditions. They are quite happy in most places and adapt well to apartment living, obviously daily exercise is necessary. Care must be taken to avoid overheating in summer. As mentioned before, they can get plenty of exercise with simple play sessions inside the home.

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