family relations in "a doll house"

Torvald Helmer, one of the main characters in the play, is somewhat “fair”. He prides himself on making a comfortable living for himself and his family, and achieving high status in society, all through honest hard work. His wife, Nora, is a moral woman, so much so that at the opening of the play, she had this childlike innocence and […]

The best way to cure hemorrhoids

The best way to cure hemorrhoids is to cure them as soon as possible, when they are milder or when the initial signs of hemorrhoids are visible. If the hemorrhoids are cured soon, a lot of pain and agony can be avoided. Hemorrhoids can be prevented by progressing to the next stage. The best way to cure hemorrhoids is through […]

pomeranian dog

Description: The Pomeranian is, of course, a small dog; stands 8 to 12 inches tall with a weight of 3 to 7 pounds. They have a wedge head and a short nose, the color of which can be different depending on their coat color. They have a double coat, which is abundant, the outer coat consisting of fairly long hair […]

How to create the best year of your life

Personally, I’ve never been much of a “New Year’s Resolution” person. Instead of setting goals, I prefer to set intentions. And my intention for the coming New Year is to create the best year of my life! This year I intend to make feeling good and being aligned with Source my number one priority. Some of my other intentions include […]

To Sell Is Human by Daniel H Pink – 6 Tone Enhancements to Complement the New ABC’s of Selling

Daniel H. Pink’s new book is “Selling Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others.” Pink is the best-selling author of “Drive” and “A Whole New Mind.” Pink says that today we are all in sales, regardless of our career or role. Parents cajole children and lawyers sell juries at a verdict as examples. The old ABC of sales (“Always […]