
Natural treatment for Clostridium difficile infection

Today, antibiotics are the leading cause of Clostridium difficile infection; Furthermore, they are a standard treatment for it. This fact is not easy to understand. What can we expect from fighting the dangerous pandemic of this superbug? Who will win this battle?

For now, bacteria have the upper hand. The incidence of Clostridium difficile infection is increasing, severe antibiotic-resistant cases are becoming more common, and the incidence of Clostridium difficile-related deaths in the United States is increasing each year. For example, in North America alone, there is a five-fold increase in this infection for the entire population and an eight-fold increase in the elderly.

Clostridium difficile is a bacterial intestinal infection that causes mild to very severe diarrhea and inflammation of the colon. Other medical names for this infection are antibiotic-associated colitis; necrotizing colitis; colitis – pseudomembranous.

Some researchers call Clostridium difficile a superbug, and it deserves this title. If you are reading this article, you are most likely familiar with this superbug. From medical research, it is known that:

1. 5-10% of people have Clostridium difficile in their intestines without noticeable symptoms

2. Clostridium difficile usually targets people after antibiotic treatment

3. People with low immunity suffer more often

4. Conventional treatment with powerful antibiotics cannot prevent relapses

Can natural methods without drugs be useful in case of Clostridium difficile infection? Yes, if we take into account that healthy people, even having this bacterium in the intestine, do not present any symptoms. Your natural defenses control this infection.

Healthy humans have defense mechanisms that prevent harmful bacteria, including Clostridium difficile, from entering and multiplying within our intestines. How do these natural defense mechanisms work?

First, stomach acids destroy harmful bacteria and parasites. The second is the antibacterial action of pancreatic juice and bile. In addition to food, pancreatic juice and bile also digest microorganisms. Therefore, the first part of the small intestine in the healthy individual is almost sterile. Declining hydrochloric acid production with age, gastritis-inflammation of the stomach, and aggressive suppression of gastric acidity with drugs opens this door for dangerous invaders to enter. These antibacterial actions depended on the body’s normal acid-base balance.

Bile and pancreatic juice are alkaline solutions; therefore, digestive alkaline pancreatic enzymes can work and kill dangerous invaders only in the environment. Unfortunately, constant body acidity causes acid changes in pancreatic juice; thus, this door also opens.

Can you imagine the gastrointestinal tract as a rough river that washes everything away and does not give microbes the ability to stick to the intestinal walls? Normally, 8-9 quarts of the mixture of saliva, gastric juice, bile, pancreatic juice, and intestinal secretions kills almost all microorganisms in the intestines. Unfortunately, hidden and overt dehydration is very common and can suppress this defense mechanism.

The following is the correct functioning of the muscular valves and the motility of the intestines. For example, the malfunctioning ileocecal valve between the large and small intestines can transport microbes into our intestines, where they can grow.

One of the vital mechanisms that keep our intestines healthy is the immune system. Not surprisingly, Clostridium difficile primarily targets people with low immune systems. Older people, after chemotherapy, using steroids, antibiotics, and immunosuppressive drugs, are more vulnerable to Clostridium difficile infection. It is also the concern of alcoholics and drug addicts. It is known that the lack of some essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and stress can weaken the immune system.

Most critical, however, is a healthy balance of friendly gut flora. Researchers and doctors are unanimous that Clostridium difficile usually appears after taking broad-spectrum antibiotics, which kill friendly gut flora. Friendly gut flora is your best defense against dangerous invaders like bacteria, Candida yeast, and parasites.

Disease-causing microorganisms damage the lining of the intestine, making it vulnerable to the multiplication (colonization) of Clostridium difficile. Usually, these bacteria do not act alone. A number of other species of opportunistic infections such as Klebsiella, Staphylococcus, Candida-yeast, parasites can also be blamed for the symptoms of antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

Restoring defense mechanisms is vital, but it is a difficult task. There is no magic bullet in the treatment of Clostridium difficile infection. When you just take the “find and destroy” approach with broad-spectrum antibiotics or any other antimicrobial agent, without enhancing the natural defense mechanisms, it will lead to chronic forms of this infection. Antibiotics lose the battle with Clostridium difficile due to the formation of antibiotic resistant strains.

Searching the internet jungle for miraculous home remedies is a useless idea. In addition, it is difficult to restore friendly intestinal flora when Clostridium difficile is colonized in the large intestine by taking low-quality probiotics or “eating yogurt.”

There is evidence based on clinical research from experienced doctors from around the world, and from my personal, everyday experience, non-drug and natural methods can be very beneficial for Clostridium difficile infection because it does not work against the body, but improves the body health. natural defense mechanisms.

Doctors around the world have used safe, effective, non-drug alternative methods to treat chronic diarrhea for hundreds of years. Using these methods can relieve diarrhea, bloody stools, bowel urgency, pain, abdominal cramps, bloating, nausea, and other symptoms. Laboratory tests can also show positive changes.

Some of these natural and holistic alternative methods are healing diet, acupuncture, hydrotherapy colon cleansing, restoring friendly intestinal flora, herbs, nutritional supplements, drinking Karlovy Vary healing mineral water.

European doctors have recommended Karlovy Vary water for various digestive disorders, including chronic diarrhea, for 500 years.

Thanks to its thermal mineral water, the small town of Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic is a famous healing mineral spa. Thousands of Europeans spend their “healthy holidays” there. For those who do not visit this spa, the water evaporates to form salt. Healing mineral water prepared with genuine Karlovy Vary thermal salt provides the possibility of home treatment.

Researchers and doctors have shown that healing mineral water from Karlovy Vary restores normal acid-alkaline balance, improves liver, pancreas, gallbladder and colon functions, promotes the growth of friendly intestinal flora, decreases inflammation and normalizes feces.

People who recognize that acupuncture is suitable for low back pain may be surprised that billions of people around the world can use this ancient method for various digestive disorders, including chronic diarrhea. The use of curative enema has a long history for the treatment of chronic diarrhea. Now, using modern equipment, colon hydrotherapy is gaining popularity as a safe and effective cleansing process.

It is clear that there is no single remedy, by itself, to stop Clostridium difficile diarrhea overnight and forever. It doesn’t matter how effective it is. The issue is to obtain a knowledgeable and licensed physician or professionals who can perform a safe and effective cure program for chronic antibiotic induced diarrhea. The real result can be achieved through the cooperation between the doctor, the patient, the relatives or friends of her and the alternative medicine professional.

The information contained herein is presented for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information should not be used to replace the services or instructions of a physician or qualified health professional.

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