
My Husband Is Attracted To A Coworker: Hints And Tips That May Help

Since affairs often happen at work (with co-workers), it’s no surprise that you get a lot of emails from wives who are worried that their husband is attracted to a co-worker. This is a very frustrating situation because she has to send her husband to work every day, knowing that he will not only see her, but will have to work closely with her for probably eight hours (or more). And you can’t be there. to provide a reminder of your marriage or to see what’s going on. But while you can’t be there physically, you can be there emotionally. You can make sure that your husband is so closely attached to you that he would not act on this supposed attraction. I will discuss this more in the next article.

You are right to be concerned: First of all, statistics show us that the vast majority of affairs happen with someone at work. That’s where her husband spends most of her days and most of us spend as much (or more) time at work than at home. And, female coworkers often don’t pick up his dirty socks or ask him to take out the trash, so this can be appealing to a man with a lot of pressure at home.

What you do have in your favor is that you are aware of the problem. I get so many emails from women who never saw this coming, who were completely shocked, and are now trying to catch up. So, as difficult and painful as this can be, know that you are a bit ahead of the game. You have this knowledge before anything has happened and that is powerful.

Work with your husband to set boundaries with this coworker: It is not completely unreasonable to approach your husband and tell him that this attraction to the other woman makes you feel uncomfortable and worried. However, you have to be careful how you approach it. You don’t want to appear needy, clingy, angry, or accusatory. You want to emphasize that you trust him but you don’t trust her, so you don’t want him getting into an awkward situation when it can be avoided. Work with him to limit her contact with her, transferring to another department or project, or setting boundaries. Again, you don’t want to sound accusatory or that you don’t have confidence in your marriage, his love for you, or his ability to manage himself. Just emphasize that you are asking her to do this for her own peace of mind, and remind her that if the roles were reversed, he would ask (and receive) this from you.

Focus on yourself, your marriage, and your combined happiness instead of her: Once you have succeeded in this conversation and your husband has done as you asked, casually look for any warning signs, but otherwise let it slide. If he doesn’t give you any reason to be suspicious, then give him the benefit of the doubt, but be proactive in keeping your marriage happy and fulfilling. You want to place the focus on home, not work. And you certainly don’t want to continue raising her and giving her more power or more space in her husband’s mind than she deserves from her. Eventually and ultimately, you want to put her very low on the radar of both her husband and yours.

The bottom line is that if your husband is happy at home and has a deep bond with you, then he shouldn’t need to look for rewards (emotional or physical) at work. If you’re fulfilled and satisfied at home, you’re much less likely to look elsewhere. Give him what he needs and maintain confidence in yourself, in your marriage, and in your husband. Don’t nag or dwell on this because often if you keep thinking about her, what you’re saying will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. You have to tread carefully here. It’s important that you get her to commit to setting boundaries, but once that’s done, focus on what you can control: making your marriage happy, and then leave her alone, sure that once she’s focused on you and not her , you do not worry Insecurity and discomfort are not attractive. Trust and intimacy are.

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