Lifestyle Fashion

Make your dream come true without money

Can you think of a better way to get from where you currently are in your life to the center of your greatest Dream, without spending money? Raising your standards is the next step on your ladder.

Once you mentally elevate your vision as high as you can imagine, you will begin to attract the resources you need through ideas, inspiration, other people recognizing your abilities, all kinds of ways that will delight and surprise you. Allow yourself to settle into a higher ideal for yourself. Imagine yourself free from what’s holding you back. Are you afraid, are you broke, are you addicted to something, or to someone? How it would feel, what it would look like if it were free of all excuses. Put the possibility of something great and wonderful that you want to achieve in your imagination.

In other words, imagine something that is aligned with a higher standard that you have set for yourself.

Imagine it as if it could come true. Then follow this 4-step process:

1. You must have such a compelling vision that it thrusts you forward with enthusiasm, even with the added hit of nervousness and just a small hint of uncertainty and “if only I could …” attached to it.

2. You need a very strong reason to keep going when you want to revert to old habits and patterns of thinking and behavior. Make your reason “why” so great that it will take you beyond fear and anxiety and into excitement and faith – it is possible for you.

3. Feel the love for him, the deep longing and the excitement for your Dream every day. Keep coming back to it in your mind: there are so many opportunities each day to practice feeling desire deeply, when you are in line, waiting at a red light, for you to review your biggest Dream.

4. Keep a journal: Write down the little signs along the way that you ‘resonate’ with. You only know when something is for you. Keep a testing diary and you will receive even more ‘signals’ that your Dream is approaching. This will fuel your intention and determination.

This is how successful people make their dreams come true. Appreciate the daily victory over the small, incremental steps along the way. You will discover yourself in spontaneous moments of enthusiasm and desire to respond to an idea at once. Inspiration can “hit” and you will feel compelled to act. Do you remember how the turtle beat the rabbit and won the race? Taking consistent small steps. The tortoise did not look back, and it did not look anywhere to control its competition. She stayed focused on her very important task: reaching the finish line.

You don’t have to get there first. You don’t have to be the fastest. Just be the best you can be. Focus on what you can do in each moment of each day and you will find joy, gratification, and the reward of progress. The satisfaction you feel as you progress will be a reward in itself.

It’s your turn, it’s your time. Don’t let a lack of money stop you or stop you. It costs nothing to sit and dream, with the intention that you believe that your dream is possible. Keep your belief strong within yourself. Now have fun, finish your career and make your greatest Dream your new reality.

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