Real Estate

Life proposals once presented – “Boulwarism” a contemptuous example

“Well, Dr. Caldwell, what do you think is wrong?”
“I’m not sure… I may need to do a more thorough investigation on the issue at hand.”
“Doc, can you tell me what the nature of the problem is…?”
“I don’t know.”
“But doctor, what do you know?”
“All I know is… I don’t know. Do you know how many people are willing to admit they don’t know something?”
“No doctor, how many?”
“I don’t know.”

Let’s face it… Contracts, Agreements, Business Agreements, Marketing and Administration are an intricate and underappreciated entity in our daily transactions and lifetime businesses. The bureaucracy tends to burn each one of the more than two thousand nerve endings that run through our body when they tie us up in endless paperwork that requires signature after signature. The daily routine of contracts and the business that goes with them are not recognized as legal and binding in many circumstances that require our full attention. We forget or simply overlook how important it is.

Contracts, agreements, and other legal documentation truly govern our very existence. Boulwarism is one such entity in the mix of tormenting yet practical responsibilities.

The title is named after a ‘Lemuel R. Boulware’, unrelated to this author of course. He was the ‘Vice President of General Electric back in the sixties. Mr. Boulware created the so-called “Good Faith Contract” for agreements between unions and management. The contract requires management and Lemuel Boulware insisted on active participation in deliberation with the intent of finding a basis for agreement, a sincere effort to reach common ground and binding agreements on mutually acceptable terms.

Boulware negotiated a “take it or leave it” negotiation technique for that company in the late 1940s. Using this technique, a company submits a comprehensive contract proposal that they believe has included everything necessary or warranted. The implementation of this technique allows a company to present a comprehensive contract proposal that, in its opinion, has included everything necessary or justified in a negotiation.

Such a form of negotiation eliminates, according to the company’s argument, any need for compromise in the employer’s mind. Such a proposal is presented at the outset with the understanding that nothing is withheld for further negotiation and employees are notified that this is a final offer. This puts the employer in the untenable position of not being able to bargain. The NLRB declared an attitude of ‘Boulwarism’ a breach of the duty to bargain. He pointed out that although the formality of the negotiation is followed, illegal or non-obligatory issues are not insisted on and a clear intention to celebrate an agreement is exhibited, there is no serious intention to settle differences and reach common ground.

Such a proposal is presented at the beginning of a negotiation with the understanding that nothing is withheld for negotiation later, and employees are notified that it is a final offer. This form of negotiation removes any need for compromise in the employer’s mind.

Do you remember the ‘Taft-Hartley Act?’ This particular type of contract and trading is detailed in the folds of a new book on the market. Contracts, Business Law, Real Estate and other business techniques involving PC, Software, Hardware and some inside secrets for the fresh learners, beginners, high school and college students, and business or technology professionals. The book goes into detail about contracts, agreements, technology and business. It is highly recommended for anyone involved in the varied field of day-to-day transactions.

All I know is how to understand, comprehend and translate the relationship between business and technology as it is presented and you will too with the help of this reference teaching and learning material. It is available online and wherever books, information and data are found. Need to know a thing or two about legal and real estate terminology? This is the book you can find them in… I like to have a copy handy. It stays on top of my reading and writing desk, within arm’s reach, for that quick reference and response when needed. It is also a very good read. Get yours and enjoy.

When a program or a computer isn’t working the way it’s supposed to, we take steps to fix it…we want it fixed. When a person is sick or not behaving as they should, we call in a particular doctor or professional to put things right again, right? Well, a patch is what IT professionals (and non-professionals) use to make fixes to the program or computer. They fix things that are wrong with the program or the computer. Many would trust a computer expert to get their PCs up and running. That’s one of the reasons IT staff rely on updates to offset the possibility of failure or malfunction. In the case of the Matrix movie, “Neo” can be described as the patch, the thing or the program that is sent to make things right. One could also interpret the Neo program as the latest program or an update. What would represent the purpose of the all-seeing and all-knowing Oracle? Can he be seen as an “All Powerful Being”?

The cloud as we know it; a metaphor for the Internet based on how the Internet is represented in computer network diagrams; it is a style of computing in which dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provisioned. SaaS (Service as Software) over the Internet, as I mentioned in previous posts, is the driving force.

New tactics and skill sets are definitely needed to gain a foothold in the new world of IT, communications, and analytics. Sentiment Analysis is measuring the mood of Social Networks and is being incorporated by companies that monitor Community Driven Websites.

The job creation claims that it makes sense for Microsoft to target cloud providers. Technology providers plan to double their workforce this year. They say mobile and cloud apps are creating millions of US jobs.

That unnerving boast makes me wonder; If that’s the case, why is the national unemployment rate at all-time highs? US unemployment numbers read between eight and ten percent. These figures are devastating for the American economic system.

Virtual, methodical, and basically business intelligence (BI) and information technology (IT) go hand in hand. Students majoring in business i.e. administration, management, marketing, accounting, etc. will find that BI and IT have become one entity. One does not do without the other.

Which is the title? Oh yeah, it’s called ‘All I Know Is…’

Until next time…

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