Arts Entertainments

Let the passion flow

Have you ever seen a musician perform? I’m not just talking about listening, but actually looking at your body movements and facial expressions. I once saw a Santana concert on television. I’ve always loved their music, but that night when the camera cut each band member’s solo, I was watching instead of listening. I began to notice how his characters transformed as they sang, played drums, or played guitar. Their faces contorted to the beat of the music, their heads tilted from side to side, their eyes closed, looking inward. What I saw for the first time was how much passion Carlos Santana and his band members had for his music. It was as if they became music. They were no longer artists on stage; they were music and soul, united as one.

When my husband, Joe, decided to give up his eighteen-year high-tech career, he considered photography (a life-long interest) as a startup, but his logical mind was not comfortable with it. So I asked him some questions. “How do you feel when you walk into a camera store and see all that gear and beautiful photographs on display? Do you feel like a kid in a candy store? Do you love the smell of it? Do you want to stay forever? Even get a little excited? ? “His answer -” Yes! Yes! Yes to everything! ” Okay, maybe he didn’t admit to being excited, but photography was his passion and, to be true to himself, he had to follow it.

You can always tell if a person is passionate about something just by listening to them and watching them talk about it. Her face lights up and her eyes glow, as if there is a current of electricity swirling within her. Think of TV personality Nigella Lawson as she licks the cake batter from her fingers. You can almost taste the chocolate by watching her gulp it down and smack her lips. Now, the author Frances Mayes talks about her adventures in Italy. It makes you want to buy a villa in Tuscany and pick olives for the rest of your life. Their passion for what they love makes them sensual, attractive, and interesting goddesses. When you see them, you think: “I want something of what she has, that energy … that joy.” You can have it.

Passion is the feeling that comes from deep within your heart like a bubbling cauldron of hot liquid. You can try to cover it up, but the steam escapes every now and then, reminding you of what’s below the surface, feeding your soul. Most of us have a passion for something in life. Maybe it’s spending time with your kids, skiing, or watching old movies. It is what gives you joy. It’s what makes you smile. It is what allows you the freedom of creativity without the burden of logic.

Being passionate is a true sign of embracing the spirit of the goddess within. Find your passion and make it part of who you are. When you unleash your passion in life, even the most mundane or stressful moments of your day become easier to handle.

5 ways to let passion flow:

o Watch what makes your heart beat and do more.

o Send loving thoughts to each task, person, or situation.

o At least once a week, do something you enjoy for an hour.

o Join a group with interests similar to yours.

o Share your passion with others. (If you’re knitting, give knitted gifts. If you’re cooking, bring a plate to a friend’s party.)

Excerpted from the book: The Goddess of Happiness, A Practical Guide to Heavenly Bliss and Balance

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