Arts Entertainments

Let me remind students that they are victims of rich white men

White men are the oppressors that the warriors of social justice tell us, but as a white man, I do not intend to oppress anyone. Now if you want to play the victim and use that as an excuse, do it, it doesn’t bother me much, but if you want to accuse me of something that is false, I am going to criticize you. So this article right here, oh, and keep reading because I’ve been listening to Social Justice Warrior BS for quite some time, and to me it’s silly and just an excuse for not succeeding.

Who said life was supposed to be easy, it wasn’t for me, not in sports, business, politics, or my non-profit activities, heck when I was in school, that wasn’t easy either, and nobody it was? giving away free trophies, certificates or Pop Tarts and Kool-Aide just for participation. I guess now they want free $ 5.95 frappachinos with Carmel Drizzle on top.

We have a serious problem that is brewing in our society and it is getting out of control, now we have college and university professors giving lectures on equality, sustainability, social justice, racism and yes, White Privilege. These same professors say that President Donald Trump is a rich white man and an example of the problems in America, I guess this time they were interested in having a white female president, since the last black male president fell short, even like his supporters. and academic socialist apologetics tried to secure his legacy.

If the professors in our colleges and universities are 90-95% Democrats and continue to defend leftist and socialist political views, then they are politically biased and work for the Democratic Party. Therefore, they are similar to a Super PAC and therefore should not receive any public funding, nor should the taxpayer bailout bail out delinquent student loans – 47% are currently more than 90 days past due, delinquent, and in the financial sector they should be sent for collection and students should be taken to court. These loans are not to be bailed out by you and me, the citizens and the taxpayers.

Why should we pay for these teachers? The Democratic Party spent nearly $ 2 billion between the DNC, the Clinton Campaign, George Soros, and their Super PACs, so why not pay all the professors to continue brainwashing college students to vote for the Democrats? incredible jobs, benefits and pensions, and now we’re expected to rescue the college student loan crisis. I just don’t see why we should?

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