Legal Law

Is your food killing you?

Approximately 300 million pounds of glyphosate are used on US crops each year. Glyphosate is sold as RoundUp.

It bears repeating. The food that is grown in our country, that we eat, receives 300 million pounds of a deadly herbicide each year. This equates to about one pound of herbicide for each of us in the United States each year.

Next time you’re at a hardware store or garden center, check out the RoundUp gallon jug. Now imagine that you have consumed that amount of the toxic herbicide in the last year …

A herbicide is designed to destroy. Turn off life. So receiving one pound of glyphosate per person each year means that we are ingesting poison. You wouldn’t dream of drinking a gallon of RoundUp, so why would you want to eat it through your food?

Putting a herbicide on plant crops is pointless. Wouldn’t a herbicide kill crops? How can this be?

That’s the crazy extra reality, straight out of the science fiction of this situation. In fact, glyphosate has inserted itself into the DNA of crops. Yes, that is correct. Scientists have discovered how to alter the chromosomes of corn, soybeans, and many other crops by removing the natural chromosomes and replacing them with chromosomes from a herbicide.

The practice of putting RoundUp’s DNA into the DNA of crops intended for us to eat them is known as Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMOs. Most industrialized countries ban GMOs. But not the United States.

And why the heck would anyone want a herbicide on food crop DNA? Count the spooky background music because this is really from a horror movie …

Let’s use corn as corn is a HUGE crop in America. If a corn crop is GMO and has glyphosate in its DNA, then all other weeds growing within the crop can be sprayed with RoundUp and will not affect the corn. That is the source of the 300 million pounds of glyphosate each year.

Once the glyphosate is sprayed on the corn, it seeps into the soil. It is then absorbed through the roots of the plant and becomes even more concentrated within the corn kernels we eat. And it’s not just corn on the cob, it’s in all corn chips, tortillas, cereals, and just about everything sweet because so much is flavored with high fructose corn syrup. Are you starting to see how you drink that jug of weed killer every year?

The options are to grow your own food, buy only organic produce, and speak out frequently and loudly for the food industry to stop this madness.

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