Lifestyle Fashion

Is the Chinese dwarf hamster a dwarf imposter?

Would it surprise you if I told you that a Chinese dwarf hamster is not really a dwarf hamster? That’s how it is! A Chinese dwarf hamster is actually part of the rat-like family of hamsters. If you look closely, you’ll see that although it’s smaller than the Syrian hamster, it tends to look more like a mouse than most other hamsters.

It’s also no surprise that Chinese dwarf hamsters are native to northern China and Mongolia. In fact, they could first be found in the desert areas of this region. These cute little creatures are rarely kept as pets because they can be difficult to breed in captivity. Another reason is that having them in the United States is also restricted in most states.

Compared to hamsters, these little creatures often have longer tails and mouse-like bodies. In fact, an adult hamster can measure between 10 and 12 centimeters long. Chinese hamsters are normally gray-brown in color with a black stripe down the spine and a white underside. Despite being kept in captivity longer, Syrian hamsters actually only have two other color mutations beyond the normal or wild type. They include the dominant spot and the black-eyed white.

Many new hamster owners want to know if Chinese hamsters coexist well in pairs. Most dwarf hamsters play well with each other, but this type of hamster may not always get along if they are housed together. The good news is that there are exceptions to this rule. For example, two female hamsters that are housed in the same area at a young age are more likely to get along compared to a male and a female. Females are known to be more dominant so the male could end up seriously injured or even worse killed. If you decide to house both hamsters together, make sure there is enough room in the cage. It is essential that the most docile animal has room to maneuver, so multi-level housing can be a good option. Because they can fit through bars that are too wide in a wire cage, these types of hamsters are typically kept in plastic tanks or aquariums. They may escape completely or become caught in the cage bars, resulting in a traumatic experience for both the owner and the hamster.

Chinese dwarf hamsters’ feeding requirements are typical of other hamster species. They do well on a diet of seeds and pellets. They also enjoy fruits and vegetables. Owners can also offer wheat bread or Cheerios as a special treat in small quantities. Some owners also feed their Chinese hamsters crickets or mealworms as treats, but never too many at one time. And, like other hamster species, Chinese hamsters need access to a fresh water supply. Water bottles work best in these circumstances because the water bowls can become literal with the substrate.

So should you have a Chinese hamster as a pet? If you are looking for a pet that can be trained, keep in mind that this species of hamster can be difficult to train even though they can live for up to two or even three years. This is due to their aggressive nature and the fact that they can be skittish and extremely agile. Being expert climbers, they also need constant supervision, as they can jump from very high heights, are very fast, and can escape from cages if not properly secured. Because of these notable traits, Chinese hamsters are not always good for children under the age of twelve, and sometimes make better pets when not handled at all. Beginning hamster owners are definitely not encouraged to have this hamster as a first pet.

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