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International Schools

‘International school’ is the term used to refer to an educational institution that promotes ‘international education in an international environment’ by adopting a required curriculum or study plan that differs from the country where the school operates.

Such schools function primarily to teach students who are not nationals or citizens of the host country; they are ideal for children of people employed by foreign embassies or missions, international business organizations, etc. Local students from the region around the school who wish to obtain a degree or qualifications suitable for further study or a career are also admitted to the schools.


The concept of an international school started in the second half of the 19th century when they were established in countries like Japan, Switzerland, Turkey, and a few others for families that traveled a lot, such as missionaries, NGOs, embassies, etc. These schools were established with the help and assistance of the particular establishment that required the schools, for example, defense establishments, scientific communities, diplomatic missions, etc. – and based on the school curriculum of the specific country.

In due time, globalization and technology have created momentum in schools around the world to cater to the increased movement of people around the world for work, business, and other purposes; such movement has created generations of children who live far from their country of origin and has required the presence of international schools. In this context, improved national schools alone do not mean success; the benchmark for success depends on the best-performing education systems internationally.

Criteria for an international school

In 2009, the International School Library Association decreed that an international school must meet the following criteria:

• Multinational and multilingual student community

• A student population on the move

• Transferability of the student’s education, eg credits, between international schools

• Curriculum or international study program

• International accreditation – eg International Baccalaureate (IB), Council of International Schools (CIS), University of Cambridge IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education), School Services, etc.

• A count and number of transient and multinational teachers

• Use of English or French as the medium of instruction with the option of adding an additional language

• Unselective student enrollment

These schools have more or less the same curriculum as the state and national schools: arts, humanities, information technology, languages, mathematics, physical education, science, etc. The method and mode of education are highly systematized and highly dependent on a technology-induced classroom environment; Periodic tests, assessments, and student grading are done on an ongoing basis.

These schools allow continuity in the education of the children of expatriate families, especially as they grow older. In many countries, relocation services and assistance agencies help expat families find the right international school for their children.

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