
How to find copyright free images

Whether you need an image for a book cover, graphics for a publication, or photos for your blog, royalty-free images are the way to go! Pay-per-photo sites often charge a lot of money to use their images commercially, and their terms of use and licenses can leave you more confused than ever with legal jargon. Fortunately, hundreds of photographers and artists have donated their work to the public domain and you can use it free of charge for your commercial projects.

Some royalty-free image sites host images that were taken primarily from old or rare books. One example is FromOldBooks, where you can find free, high-resolution images scanned from old books. Another hub for these types of photos is KarensWhimsy. These images are usually highly ornate and intricate drawings or watercolors. They’ll work for some niches, but if you have a more modern market, you’ll want to look elsewhere.

Maybe a photo sharing site like StockVault will work for your business needs. Please note: No matter how many times the words “copyright free” are used on the site, be sure to check the terms of use, especially as different contributors may set their own terms. Stay Lawful!

Another copyright issue arises when images of people are used. Sites like RepublicDomain offer copyright-free images, but no model releases. Always make sure you can locate a model release when using a photo of a person, unless the photo was taken at an angle that completely prevents identification of the person. This includes photographs of babies and children; An authorization form signed by the legal guardian is required.

One of the easiest ways to find high-quality images for free use is to search for the type of image you want plus the word “.gov.” For example, if you want a close-up photo of a wolf, do an online search for “” United States government sites host thousands of public domain images. Terms of use for photos are easily found, but if you have any questions, simply look up the site’s contact information and ask if you have permission to use a particular photo. Government site webmasters are used to these types of requests, so don’t hesitate to contact them.

Royalty-free images are often as high quality as professional stock images that you would pay through the nose for (as far as commercial use goes). A little research will uncover hundreds of free stock photo sites, perfect for your online or offline business ventures!

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