Digital Marketing
How to create a content calendar for your blog

How to create a content calendar for your blog

If you’ve been following our blog lately, you’ll notice we’ve been talking a lot about social media and the need for strategy. Yes, social media is definitely also about sharing others’ content and spontaneous posting, but an overall social media marketing strategy is essential.

One of the central concepts in any strategy is planning, and in this case, we are talking about planning your content, so you will never have a hard time finding a topic to write about, but you will also be thinking about what makes sense to you. .

Here are our top 10 tips for creating a content calendar for social media:

  1. Start with a way to get organized, I personally like Excel for this. If you have a team and are collaborating on the content calendar, you may want to use Google Sheets, so everyone can see it in real time. You will want 12 columns for the months and then you can use the rows for the weeks of the month.
  2. The easiest tip is to look at legal holidays and themed blog posts. We highly recommend that for holidays that are commemorative in nature, your blog is a resource for giving back – for example, before Thanksgiving, you may want to post resources to give to the less fortunate or volunteer opportunities.
  3. Now is the time to do a little research – what industry events are coming up and are relevant to your market. These could be conferences that you may or may not attend, or great releases that you know about. Put them on your calendar, ESPECIALLY if you are going to be there. Schedule a blog before the conference talking about why it is relevant, perhaps comparing it to previous years. If you’re there, blog the week you’re there and, of course, schedule a recap blog to comment on how successful it was.
  4. Do the same for thought leaders in your industry – do they have upcoming events (in person or virtual)? Spend a week promoting them!
  5. For the 2 and 3 above, contact the event organizers and see when registration opens, ask them if they have content you can share.
  6. And while you’re at it, give them a guest blog spot!
  7. Look at your own calendar, do you have a release this year? You’ll want to schedule blogs before they launch, during, and after. Remember, you’ll also want to blog about your planning, do a slow pitch (teasers) about the pitch. This is your chance to generate excitement!
  8. Now look at your travel schedule – where you are going to be (personally or professionally). Blog about what you are going to be doing. Your followers can reach out when they know you’ll be in the area to meet in person.
  9. Plan a regular function, for example if you are a nutrition consultant, start the month with a blog about planning the meals of the month and then during the last week of the month, do a check-up.
  10. For each of the ideas mentioned above, you will now want to develop how the message will be delivered through your different digital marketing platforms (LinkedIn, blog, Facebook, Instagram, etc.). How should your message differ depending on the medium in which it is published? How does everyone connect to a lead magnet to collect contact information?

With just these 10 tips, you should find your calendar filling up nicely! You can use current events or a literature review relevant to your industry to fill in the gaps.


We’d love to see what you came up with! Do you want to share? Submit it, we’ll be happy to offer a few more suggestions to fill in the gaps or answer any questions you may have.

Happy planning!

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