
How to attract a cougar woman

If you decide dating a cougar woman is for you, you’ll need to know how to attract the perfect woman. Here are some tips:

1. Dress to impress – Appearance is important to many Cougar women. They make an effort to look good and you should too. Depending on the location, you can go for smart casual, jeans, a shirt and a blazer, or a smart suit. Make sure you are clean and smell good. Invest in a good aftershave lotion, but only use a couple of dabs, you don’t want to smell like a perfume store.

2. Good manners – Cougar ladies expect you to be courteous and show them respect. Sure, you can have a lot of fun with a cougar woman, but to impress her, you have to make an effort. Keep the door open, be courteous. If you’re young, sexy, and a gentleman, you’ll be a package most cougars won’t be able to resist.

3. Be confident – Cougar women are usually very confident and independent. They will be attracted to you if you show a similar level of trust. Just tell yourself you look good before you go out and believe it! You will send a certain vibe that women will pick up on. Smile and laugh with your friends, while shooting admiring glances at the female cougar. If you can get her attention for a second, she’ll get the message that you’re interested.

4. Body language – If your cougar woman is at the bar, walk over and strike up a conversation. You will be able to tell if she is interested in you by her body language. See if she plays with her hair, makes eye contact, smiles, and touches her necklace or her chest. She mimics her body language subtly. If she takes a sip of her drink, she takes a sip of yours, if she touches her cheek, she touches yours. This will give her a sense of chemistry with you and help her feel more attracted to you.

5. Treat her – Despite the fact that many Cougar women will likely have more money than you, you should still offer to buy her a drink and take her out to dinner. Flowers, gifts and chocolates go a long way in making a woman feel special. You will find that your cougar woman will invite you to more expensive restaurants, etc., once you have been out a few times.

6. Compliment her – If you notice something attractive about a female cougar, smile, make eye contact, and tell her so. Whether it’s her beautiful hair, her beautiful eyes, or her beautiful smile. Make her feel beautiful and special.

7. Make her laugh – All women love funny men and cougar women are no different. If you’re a natural prankster, then make her laugh. If you haven’t talked to her yet, make your group of people laugh and try to get her attention. She will notice that you seem fun and she will be attracted to that. I don’t mean silly jokes, just don’t take yourself too seriously.

8. Stay cool – Even if you feel nervous, don’t worry. You are good enough for this cougar woman, she just believes in yourself and she will shine. Make sure you stand up straight. Don’t slouch or stoop, as this will make you appear nervous or gloomy.

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