Lifestyle Fashion

How much do tragus piercings hurt?

One of the initial things many people discover when deciding to get a piercing is often “does this hurt?” Also, more precisely, “how much pain can it cause?” Unfortunately, piercings are piercings and that means placing a needle in areas of the body to make one or more holes into which you can potentially wear pieces of jewelry. When having piercings, there will definitely be some discomfort. However, the total amount of bread can vary greatly based on several factors.

One particular highlight is the skill of the piercer and how they are to complete the particular piercing conveniently, safely but also expertly. Now this is not really a concern that you will have to worry about as long as you choose a reliable piercing spot. You should definitely check that the shop uses piercing needles and never piercing guns for all piercings.

Another variable that can often affect the level of pain and discomfort a certain person experiences when getting their tragus pierced may be the person themselves. Pain is really a very subjective experience and while a touch of pain and discomfort can be long-lasting for many people, it can be extremely difficult for others to deal with. A lot will depend on the person and their respective pain limit.

The type of jewelry you chose to wear when your piercing is complete can sometimes cause or help save you from some unnecessary pain and discomfort. A round piece like a bead captive ring might be a bit more difficult to fit compared to a straight accessory like a barbell. Therefore, it is advisable to go with some straight jewelry such as a bar every time you get your tragus pierced.

The key factor that usually determines how much pain and discomfort is felt due to a piercing is often the site of the piercing. Most of the time, a tragus piercing doesn’t hurt much. Most people rate the pain from 3 to 4 on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most unpleasant. For many people, the discomfort can be felt when the needle pierces the skin on either side of the tragus by seeing that the cartilage material inside is devoid of nerve endings. The discomfort can be the same and in some cases not as much as that experienced by getting your ears pierced, no more than a bee sting.

Some people experience a slight dull ache or just a feeling of pressure around or on the tragus shortly after the piercing is complete. This is a sign that blood is flowing around the area of ​​the new piercing so that the body can begin the healing process. It’s not uncommon to see a little blood in the piercing soon after, but that’s not something you should be concerned about as long as you keep the piercing very clean according to the aftercare suggestions your piercer gave you.

Those who would really like a tragus piercing but are particularly concerned about the potential pain should check with the piercing shop if they numb your tragus for your benefit beforehand. Not all piercing venues practice numbing, but some do or can do it on request, so it’s certainly worth asking. If your particular piercing site does not numb, you may want to look for a place that can.

Several people claim that you may hear a ‘pop’ when the needle pierces the tragus cartilage, however this definitely seems to be a myth as several people hear nothing. So, in closing, there really isn’t much to worry about as many people who have gotten a tragus piercing are actually surprised at how mild this particular piercing hurts. Some people even have to ask if it’s done when it is!

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