
How entertainment kills one’s spiritual bond

As a spiritual person with a strong bond with the Universal Spirit, he guides and guides me throughout my life. What quickly destroys that link is entertainment, particularly fiction. Whether or not people realize that the stories that come out of people’s heads are lies and do not work in the presence of God. Fantasy stories are the foundation of religions and do not serve Spirit.

The world is full of contrasts and evil while shrouded in black darkness. However, the entertainment industry is responsible for most of it because of the movies; concepts; games; social communication media; toys; and other things, which are frankly junk to monitor or use and junk food for the brain.

You cannot live on junk food for long before your body reacts to it. The loss of vitamins, enzymes, flavonoids, and essential nutrients soon gets you spinning. The brain is no different. Feeding it garbage from man’s inventions, especially when it comes to entertainment, does the same for the body.

The darkness of not feeding him properly plays into every cell within him. Toxins build up, free radicals stick to cells to turn them into things like cancer or other diseases, and depression also sets in. This is when people turn to drugs to help them recover. Some drugs work, but hard drugs hook people into addictions.

Gambling is another form of entertainment that destroys. Few were unaware of how people steal to maintain their habit, and many lost their homes and families because of it.

While the world worries about the pollution of the environment and the accumulation of toxins in the air, they do not care much about the things they use for entertainment. They are equally deadly and are working to destroy the earth for lack of care and knowledge that people overlook in order to get to the next place of entertainment.

Without their spiritual bond, they are lost in a frenzy of worry and struggle that has no solution. The whole world is fast approaching the point of no return. However, many would rather laugh at it than do something about it. As long as they can forget their problems for a while, they can be happy again.

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