Hire WordPress Developer at the WordPress Developer Hourly Rate in India

Hire WordPress Developer

WordPress developers are available in India. These professionals can deliver quality websites at affordable prices. The WordPress Developer Hourly Rate in India is generally between $15 and $22 per hour. The rate depends on the complexity of the project, the experience of the developer, and the language they speak. If you are planning to hire a WordPress developer in Delhi, it is recommended that you use a localized language. You can also try hiring a freelancer from India.

hire wordpress developer in india must have a strong technical knowledge. It is their attention to detail that separates them from amateurs. A long career in this field is highly rewarding and satisfying. A fresher can earn around 1.25 lakh per year. With experience, a WordPress developer can earn between 2.5 lakhs per annum. In India, WordPress developers typically work from home and can earn as much as $140 an hour.

A WordPress developer should be well-versed in technical web designing. They should have a keen eye for detail, which is what differentiates a professional developer from an amateur. A professional should be able to demonstrate this skill to ensure that they have a long and successful career. A fresher should expect to earn around INR 1.25 lakh per annum, while a more experienced developer can expect to make at least INR 2.5 lakh per annum.

Hire WordPress Developer at the WordPress Developer Hourly Rate in India

There is no set minimum salary for a WordPress developer in India. Starting salaries for freshers range from about 1.2 lakh to over five lakh per year. If you have years of experience, you can expect to earn as much as six lakhs. However, it is not unusual for a WordPress developer to make over two lakh pounds per annum. The hourly rate for a WordPress developer in India is dependent on the company you work for.

The hourly rate for a WordPress developer in India can range from INR 15 to INR 308 per hour. This average salary range is between INR 25,000 and INR 35,000 per month. A fresher WordPress developer can expect to earn between INR 15,000 to 20,000 per year, depending on the level of responsibility. If you’re a beginner, you can expect to earn INR 1,250 per month.

The cost for a WordPress developer in India varies considerably, but on average, a junior developer can earn as much as INR 300 per month. An experienced WordPress developer can earn up to INR 6 lakh per year. The cost of hiring a WordPress developer in India is higher than in other countries, and you can get the same quality work for a lower price. If you’re planning to hire a WordPress developer in India, be sure to check out the rates offered by other companies.

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