Shopping Product Reviews

Got your Preppers supply list ready?

Preppers supplies are available on the internet. It makes sense to keep a substantial stock of medical supplies, canned food, matches, torches, batteries, etc., for the day disaster strikes.

Often your partner or family will not support your stockpiling of prep supplies until the time comes when the power goes out, the water goes out, a heavy snowfall cuts off your home, a wildfire blocks access to your local town. or any number of unexpected emergencies means you are cut off from the source.

Then your family will be glad you took precautions.

When the disaster is over, they will fully support your efforts and encourage you to stock up on supplies for future unexpected events.

Download a list of suggestions from the Internet and adapt it to your local situation. If you live on an island in the Pacific or above the snow line, your needs will be different. It is important that you include a standard range of food, water, medical supplies, communication equipment and blankets to keep you warm.

Beyond that, the list will need to be tailored to your situation. If you have young children to care for, include books and games to keep them busy. Clearly things like a good supply of powdered milk will be important. Add some tools you may need. Things like an axe, flint to start a fire, water purification tablets, and a good water filter can be invaluable.

You can survive much longer without food than without water. So plan to store as much water as you can. An outdoor rainwater drum and its hot water cylinder can provide a ready source. However, these can be contaminated with dirt or lime buildup, so it is important to have some sort of filtration or purification system planned.

Check out the many sources of preparer supplies you’ll need by visiting the many sources on the Internet. Prices vary quite a bit as does freight to your location. These supplies can be heavy, so before you complete your transaction, make sure the checkout screen shows the full price in your currency and includes an acceptable freight service.

Once your supplies arrive, it’s important to store them in an easily accessible location. Keep them above ground if your area may flood. You may also find it helpful to make your storage area accessible from the outside of your home. In case a fire destroys the house. A lot depends on your situation. Alaskan winters can freeze the ground. Pacific tsunamis and hurricanes can inundate your storage area. Therefore, it is worth thinking a little about where it will be located.

Separate locations would be helpful in case you don’t want to go out during an emergency. Include these supplies in your weekly consumption so they are replenished regularly and do not exceed their “useful dates.”

Old matches may be dry or too wet to use. The water can turn sour if kept too long. Other supplies may suffer from aging or be attacked by mice, rats or other creatures that roam your place.

Keep your Preppers supplies under regular observation to ensure that the day you need them they will be in good condition and will support you until help arrives. Or you can partner with others in your neighborhood for fresh supplies.

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