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Glass tiles for your kitchen: clean and clear

Glass tiles are perfect for your kitchen, especially if you are thinking of going for a contemporary or modern look. These provide a very clean and elegant look that is sure to bring a lot of light into the area. Glass tiles are also durable and not very difficult to maintain, other than what most people would think. Here are some design tips when using glass mosaics.

There are different types of glass mosaics and the colors can vary from transparent to opaque colours. These acquire colors through pigments mixed into molten glass during manufacturing. Color and shade permeate the body of the tiles. During the firing method, a layer of pigment is fused to the surface of the tiles. As a result, their colors are permanent and well protected against moisture. The color is generally uniform between batches of glass tiles. Clear glass tiles do not use pigments and are simply melted and then fired.

Glass tiles have many advantages. It is moisture proof which makes it very useful and resistant in the kitchen. It works best and is most commonly used on walls where it allows light to enter the area without heat.

It is very aesthetic also considering the variety of colors, which is why people often create mosaics that serve as the centerpiece of the kitchen. It is good both indoors and outdoors and with its waterproof quality, it withstands humidity, heat, fire and UV rays. By installing glass tiles, other surrounding structures are protected from instantaneous changes in temperature.

Smalti is a type of glass mosaic made of sodium fused silica. Some metals and metal oxides are used to stabilize the material before it is fired and cut by hand. Fused glass tiles are usually translucent in nature with an opaque coating visible. Sinters generally come in 1-3 square foot sizes. It is made by pressing glass powder and then heating it to fuse the particles together. Terrazzo glass tiles involve a casting method that uses amalgamation of glass and concrete. Cast tiles have a layered appearance created by placing pieces of glass in a mold. Tumbled glass has a contoured or curved appearance.

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