Health Fitness

Fruit and Veggie Diet: How I Lost 13 Pounds in 14 Days With a 2 Week Fruit and Veggie Cleanse

Diet fruit and vegetable cleanses are gaining popularity as a way to achieve very fast weight loss!

After a particularly stressful winter, she had packed on some unsightly unwanted pounds that she wanted to shed quickly.

Summer was coming up and that meant skimpier clothes and shorts and I didn’t want to layer clothes to hide my rolls and bulges if you know what I mean. Plus, my normally comfortable clothes had become a lot less comfortable (read: tight in the middle!).

I had lost weight before and kept it off for years, but due to my emotional eating during a long period of stress in my life, some weight crept back on my body and I was miserable! I knew the usual weight loss tips, plans, and options, but I was sick of them.

I didn’t want to see another frozen diet meal from Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers. She knew deep down that those frozen concoctions were packed with preservatives and often loaded with sodium and chemicals.

Also, I had been a vegetarian for many years in my past and my gut told me I needed to stay away from eating humanely treated factory farmed animals that had had a slaughterhouse experience.

So it seemed like a natural progression to take a look at a way of eating that I had adopted in the past and see if it would give me the results I was looking for. I wanted to lose weight fast, improve my energy and stamina, and improve the appearance of my skin and overall health.

I started on a 14 day fruit and vegetable cleanse diet and was blown away! The pounds flew off so fast my head was spinning. I was never hungry and ate lots of delicious and healthy food! You can imagine how excited I was to get on the scale after 14 days and see the huge weight loss.

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