Lifestyle Fashion

Do you think you have an ankle sprain? Visit an Urgent Care Physician for a Correct Diagnosis

Athletes and everyday gym goers acquire multiple injuries throughout their lives, one of the most common being a ankle sprain. However, it can be difficult to tell on your own whether the pain you are experiencing is due to a sprain or something more serious. The best way to find out is by visiting an emergency room doctor who can properly examine your ankle and the muscles around it.

A sprain, in general, is when the ligaments, which are the resistant tissues that connect the cartilage and the bones, are stretched and/or torn; they are our body parts “connectors”. A sprain also involves a strain on the nearby muscle. You can get a sprain from any kind of twist, twist, or overexerted swing that tears the ligament.

There are several types of sprains, but the most common is called an inversion sprain, in which the ankle literally turns in a way that forces the bottom of the foot to turn inward. This damages the ligaments on the outside of the ankle, causing painful bruising, swelling, and tenderness. As with any sprain, you will have difficulty moving your ankle normally and will feel pain when you put weight on your foot.

If after reading this description it leads you to believe that the source of your pain is in fact a sprained ankle, you must act immediately. Apply the RICE method first, i.e. Rest, Ice, Compress and Raise. To Rest, stop exercising and stay off your foot as much as possible. Use crutches if you have them. When icing the area, do not do it for more than 15-20 minutes at a time, and do it about every 2 hours on the first day of the injury. For Compress, you can buy excellent elastic bandages that will keep the muscle in place. And finally, try to Elevate your leg as much as possible, even supporting it while you’re at work and eating dinner. The RICE method is used for most sprains and muscle injuries, and is effective in decreasing swelling and inflammation.

If the injury is not severe, it should be able to heal on its own within a month. People who have sprained their ankle before are often tempted to treat themselves. A doctor can speed up your recovery by making sure you really have an ankle injury in the first place and then prescribing better anti-inflammatory medications that will help you a lot with the swelling and pain. Once the injury is confirmed, your doctor will prescribe the appropriate stretches and exercises to ensure your ankle returns to full strength.

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