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Do Estrogen Levels Change Much During IVF?

A natural rise in estrogen levels should be expected in the days leading up to ovulation until the egg is finally released. Fertility doctors can even administer additional estrogen using a patch or fertility drugs to support endometrial development prior to embryo transfer to the uterus. Estrogen can be introduced later in the cycle. With an increase in estrogen levels during this treatment, some patients may begin to experience certain symptoms.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, also known as OHSS, is a potentially serious complication of in vitro fertilization that can be considered mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the associated symptoms. Symptoms can start around four to five days after egg collection and many women may experience a mild or moderate form of this syndrome, but this usually resolves on its own after a few days, unless pregnancy occurs. , in which case recovery may be delayed.

Possible symptoms of this syndrome can include pain, a feeling of bloating, and mild abdominal swelling. In some women there may be ovarian cysts and fluid can accumulate in the abdominal cavity of some women, which can cause discomfort. In rare cases where the syndrome is severe, the ovaries can become very swollen and the woman may begin to feel nauseous and may experience vomiting and abdominal pain. There may also be a reduction in the amount of urine produced, as well as shortness of breath. Hospital admission is urgent in these cases.

This condition can be caused by an overresponse to the fertility drugs given during fertility treatment. Those who may be at higher risk of developing this syndrome include women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), those with high levels of estrogenic hormones or a large number of follicles or ovules, women who undergo the administration of GnRh angonists, the use of hCG for luteal phase support or young women who are thin.

If you experience severe symptoms, it is advisable to seek medical attention in a hospital immediately, but for those with mild to moderate symptoms, consulting your doctor can be effective in determining the proper course of action. If estrogen levels in the blood or ultrasound indicate that the patient may be at high risk for severe HHSH, discontinuation of hCG may be recommended. Women may react differently to fertility drugs, and some women may choose not to use fertility drugs when undergoing IVF or other fertility treatments and procedures.

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