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Do declarations work? only if you say so

Think positively! Look on the bright side! This can be downright annoying if you’re going through a tough time and can’t watch a bright side. If he considers pessimism to be a much more realistic approach to life, he has probably never tried using positive affirmations. However, you have been successfully using negatives, without even realizing it. They work just as strongly, giving you what you think you deserve and keep affirming through your pessimistic view of reality. You are not wrong, of course. You are just as unsuccessful, unlucky, unloved or abused as you say, and you have powerfully stated all the evidence (people, situations, circumstances) to confirm it, leaving no doubt in your mind that this is the way things really are.

Can I prove to you that positive affirmations work and that you can change your entire worldview? No. But you can try it for yourself, if you’re willing to challenge some of your beliefs and allow the possibility that you can use the power of your mind to orchestrate your own life.

But it’s not just about thinking positively and denying whatever challenges you face. For affirmations to generate the positive results you seek, you must understand the principles that govern our reality and then apply a process that incorporates them.

reprogram your mind

Not surprisingly, positive affirmations only work if you actually use them every day, for at least two weeks. Talking about them won’t change anything, and doing it once or twice won’t be enough to rewire your subconscious mind with positive beliefs, while dissolving the deep-seated negative beliefs you’ve lived by for so long. Most importantly, however, he must begin to embody and practice the words and actions that match his positive affirmations. Affirming a deeper truth, but not speaking or acting on that truth, only creates more internal conflict, exaggerating the gap between how things currently are and what you are affirming. Your actions will always win over your thoughts. So if you claim that you are attracting more clients or your ideal match, but act and talk as if your business is going to fail and you will never find your match, your claims cannot work. Your words/actions will reinforce your negative beliefs more powerfully than your positive affirmations can cancel out, and you will end up confirming your worst fears.

Have fun and keep it light

I have fun with affirmations. I remember a period in my life when I stated that money came to me in unexpected ways. In the space of two weeks, I found $80 on the street, while running home in the pouring rain; I found money in my clothes when I took them out of the dryer I shared with my neighbors, but no one claimed it (and it wasn’t mine); and received an unexpected insurance payment for a claim I had made almost a year earlier and had waived. Since then, I have the habit of affirming that more money always comes from somewhere, and that the more I take care of myself, the more they take care of me, in every way. It turns out true, every time. Going on vacation, for example, always seems to trigger a big win, like a new opportunity at work, an editing assignment, new clients, and other pleasant surprises.

What’s stopping you?

There are some impediments to making affirmations (and life) work for you, and it’s important to keep them in mind if you decide to start affirming how you’d like your life to be.

1) You don’t really believe what you’re saying.. This, of course, is why you’re making the affirmations in the first place. You are affirming a deeper truth (an ideal reality that you don’t know how to create) so that your mind will finally accept it and work to make it come true. Discarding them as garbage won’t help. Not only will you deprive yourself of an easy way to make some progress, but you’ll also reinforce your negative beliefs about yourself and make your challenges even more challenging.

two) You don’t think your mind works that way or that you have that kind of power.. For cynics and pessimists, seeing is believing; but for the optimists or those who believe in the power of their mind, it is a matter of believing and then seeing. Which would you rather make real?

3) You don’t think you deserve to have the peace of mind, success, wealth, love, or dream life you want.. Our early programming shapes our sense of self, determining how lovable/worthy/important we think we are, and setting us up for a certain kind of life, with certain expectations, fears, and insecurities, all of which determine how much love, money, ease, success and accomplishment that we have. How does that work for you? Would you like to change your mind about what you think is possible?

4) You are building a case against yourself. If you maintain that the affirmations do not work, it is not the affirmations that you are rejecting; it is the power of you. (And claiming they don’t work is something you can prove to yourself, thus ironically confirming that they do, in fact, work.) The negative circumstances in your life are the result of your negative beliefs, and serve as evidence of the validity of those beliefs. This creates a circular and self-defeating argument that keeps you locked in the blind belief that this is life, regardless of what anyone else says. Saying that affirmations don’t work is the same as saying that YOU don’t work, although your subconscious mind is designed to bring you people, opportunities and challenges according to how it has been programmed.

The great thing about affirmations is that the more you do them and see them work, the more they work and the more you believe in them, and the more you integrate them into your life, which creates an endless positive snowball effect.

some of my favorites

These are some of my favorite affirmations, based on the principles that govern our reality:

The more I take care of myself, in a healthy and practical way, the more they take care of me.

• When I become a treasured asset in my own life, I enhance my worth and attract the rewards and recognition I deserve.

• Being fully and fearlessly me is the most powerful thing I can do to create the life I want.

• Everything is unfolding exactly as it should be, in my best interest, at exactly the right time.

• The more I actively love, respect, and value myself, the more I attract others who do the same.

But don’t forget to embody and practice the things you are affirming, for example: if you affirm that you are cared for, you should replace worry and doubt with optimism and affirmative action; if you claim that you are getting healthy, you should talk and act as if you are getting healthier; And if you claim that your life is full of exciting new opportunities or a new relationship, you need to actively engage with others so those magical connections can be made.

play the part

Part of the magic of manifestation involves feeling and acting as if good things have already happened, given the impact our moods, energy levels, and intentions have on our circumstances. But that doesn’t mean you should suddenly move to the Caribbean after a week of claiming that life in the tropics is wonderful. It takes time for your affirmations to manifest in physical form, and the timing is always perfect, even if you don’t necessarily believe it at the time.

Your life is in your hands and, even more powerfully, in your mind. You can decide who you want to be and how others will treat you, by virtue of the self-esteem that you embody in your own life. Make it come true in your mind and it will come true in your life. And changing his mind about you changes everything.

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