Diacon IGR PLUS vs Diacon D

Diacon(r) IGR PLUS is a product that controls insects that feed on stored grain. It works by applying the product directly to the grain. It can also be used to treat empty bins and warehouses. Whether your warehouse has thousands of stored grains or a handful, you can treat them using this product.

Diacon IGR PLUS is an adulticide and growth regulator that is combined in a liquid formulation. This product works to control the growth and spread of pests in both grain and other crops. This product is ideal for treating empty premise situations, such as grain warehouses, and is available in direct-to-grain and fogging concentrate forms. This product also provides long-term control of pests and reduces rebound infestations.

The two-component formulation of Diacon IGR PLUS is highly effective against stored grain insects. However, it is important to use it according to label directions to maximize its effectiveness. A recommended rate of 4 oz per thousand bu is recommended. This product can also be used to treat empty warehouses and bins. Since it is extremely effective, it significantly reduces the need for fumigation, which saves farmers a considerable amount of money.

Diacon IGR Plus is an insect growth regulator that is highly effective against most grain insects. Depending on the application rate, it can provide 3 to 6 months of protection from weevils. Diacon IGR PLUS comes in premixed form and is formulated at a ratio of four oz. per thousand bushels of grain. It is not recommended for use in stored grains because of the resistance it has developed in insect populations.

Diacon IGR PLUS contains the same ingredient as Diacon D, but it is a liquid formulation that is designed for application to grains, grain, and oats. This insect growth regulator is labeled for both barley and corn, but also for rye and sorghum. It is more effective against adult-stage insects than Diacon D.

Diacon IGR PLUS is a liquid insecticide, which is used in a number of agricultural applications. It is a great choice for treating stored grain, empty bins and warehouses, where it provides good control of lesser grain borers and stored product insects. The ingredients in Diacon IGR PLUS are Deltamethrin and s-methoprene.

Both products can be used indoors and outdoors, and they remain effective for at least two weeks. They are safe for both humans and pets, but should be applied following the directions on the package.

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