day dress up your pet

If you secretly want to dress up Bowser in a bow tie or dress up Fifi in a fluffy tutu, but don’t consider yourself those people who gleefully assign human traits to animals through reduced and silly pet clothing, today is your day! On January 14 of each year you have an excuse, a Reason to be, if you want, […]

How to attract a cougar woman

If you decide dating a cougar woman is for you, you’ll need to know how to attract the perfect woman. Here are some tips: 1. Dress to impress – Appearance is important to many Cougar women. They make an effort to look good and you should too. Depending on the location, you can go for smart casual, jeans, a shirt […]

Three mistakes moms in business make when trying to be successful businesswomen

Self-employed moms and working moms have a lot of responsibilities on their plate. It can be difficult or nearly impossible to expertly manage work deadlines, children’s activities, household chores, and being a supportive spouse. This article looks at three common pitfalls that many moms in business face and some ideas to combat them. Not knowing when to ask for help […]

sleep strategies that work

There are times in every parent’s life when sleep deprivation becomes a problem and it is accepted that for the first six months it will be a way of life. But, babies and toddlers need sleep, and you’ll be surprised by how much! The most common problems are when they can’t fall asleep (maybe it takes them hours to fall […]

Smart Pack – Relocation done right

You’ve prepared yourself for money problems, health problems, and every other life problem you can think of, but now you’re sitting in the middle of your new living room surrounded by boxes and don’t know where to start. Moving can be stressful, and when it’s all said and done, you don’t want to have to worry about finding an outfit […]

How can a stay-at-home mom handle stress?

It’s a common misconception that stay-at-home parents have it easy at home, but the reality is contradictory. Being at home is challenging and frustrating. Lots of work to do, errands to run, to make life perfect for husband and children while still being worthy in their eyes at the end of the day. The life of a housewife is full […]

The History of Automotive Repair: Why We Need Trained Technicians in the Collision Repair Industry

Vehicle History Overview They don’t make them like they used to. the first cars The first cars were nothing more than a buggy and an engine (usually repaired by blacksmiths and carpenters. These cars were very expensive, which only the rich could afford) The Model T was the first car mass-produced on an assembly line in 1908 (Ford’s vision was […]