Facts About Belly Button Piercing

Body piercing is when a needle is inserted into a part of the body and then a foreign object such as jewelry is inserted. Eventually, the skin around the jewelry heals, leaving a hole. The hole is the piercing. It is perfectly safe when done by careful professionals. DO NOT pierce your own belly button. The piercing should be done […]

Do orgasms relieve anxiety?

Good sex on a regular basis can actually alleviate or eliminate stress and anxiety. Sexually active adults are generally less stressed, calmer, and happier. Because? Sex causes a release of oxytocin and endorphins, similar to those released during exercise. The release of these chemicals helps create a sense of calm and clarity. But here’s the ironic truth, or should we […]

Phytonutrients – The Green Chalice of Anti-Aging Health

Plant nutrients play a key role in anti-aging. Extracts from fruits, vegetables and plants have a variety of chemical components, called phytochemicals or phytonutrients, which are highly beneficial for the health and beauty of the skin. In plants, phytochemicals confer characteristics such as color, which can help the plant by providing an attractive beacon for passing bees to aid in […]

Tune your chakras with Jin Shin Jyutsu

Chakras are a buzz word these days. But what are they really? There is an easy way to find out. In Sanskrit, chakra means “wheel.” According to Indian metaphysical teachings, we have dozens of these revolving centers of vital energy within and around us, each with a specific function. The chakras even glow in different colors, depending on the speed […]

Am I the narcissist? A look at inverted narcissism

In my work with victims of narcissistic abuse, I am most often asked the same question: “How do I know I’m not the narcissist?” When I asked my own therapist this question many years ago, she replied, “If you were the narcissist, you wouldn’t be asking that question, because narcissists won’t see that the problem is with them.” They are […]