
Car Insurance Tips: 5 Car Insurance Tips to Save Money

Here are some great tips that could save you money on auto insurance.

1. Increase your deductible

One way to save money on car insurance is to increase your deductible. A higher deductible will result in a lower premium. Just remember that you will have to pay the deductible in case of an accident. So don’t increase it so much that you can’t afford it if you ever have an accident.

2. Take a road safety course

Did you know that taking a Driver Safety course could save you money on your policy? Many companies offer discounts to customers who complete an approved driving course. See if your insurance company might offer you a discount for this.

3. Choose your car wisely

You may not be in the market for a new car right now, but when you’re thinking about buying a new vehicle, choose wisely. Don’t just look at the price tag on the vehicle when you shop. Certain cars are more expensive to insure than others, so you could end up paying a lot more on auto insurance than you bargained for if you buy that nice sports car instead of the four-door sedan. Cars that are more likely to be stolen or have parts that cost more to replace will be more expensive to insure. Keep this in mind when you decide to buy a new car.

4. Drive less

You may be wondering how driving less will save you money on car insurance. Well, many companies offer discounts to people who meet certain low mileage requirements. Start carpooling to work or school. Not only could it save you money on car insurance, it will also save you money on gas!

5. Compare quotes from several companies

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