Buy 2C-B Powder Online

2C-B Powder

2C-B, also known as 4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine, is a man-made psychedelic drug. It is part of the phenethylamine family and its lower doses may produce effects similar to the club drug ecstasy while higher doses can create psychedelic hallucinations. 2C-B is sometimes sold in powder, capsule or pill form and is usually ingested. It has no medical uses and is considered a Schedule I drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Taking any drug comes with some risk, and 2C-B is no exception. The DEA notes that it can cause side effects including stomach and gastrointestinal upset, heart irregularities, elevated body temperature, muscle spasms and hypertension (high blood pressure). It has also been linked to some deaths from excited delirium.

The DEA reports that a single tablet of 2C-B can cost between $10 and $30 with a gram of powder selling for $100 to $300. It is commonly found in the club and rave scene where it can be used in conjunction with MDMA, LSD or other psychedelics. 2C-B has not been subject to much formal scientific research, and most of what is known about it is anecdotal from user reports and from DEA seizures of laboratories that have produced the drug.

Like other drugs in the phenethylamine family, such as MDMA or ecstasy, Buy 2c-b powder online is typically not addictive. However, because it is illegal to possess and sell, people who take the drug often have no way of knowing exactly what they are consuming as it is produced illicitly and not regulated. This can lead to accidental overdose or reactions with other substances that are consumed simultaneously.

Buy 2C-B Powder Online

A person’s reaction to a drug will vary depending on their mood and the environment they are in, called the setting and effect. The potency and dosage of the drug will also have an impact on a user’s experience. It’s important to start with a low dose and then increase slowly to see how the drug impacts them. It is also a good idea to have a “trip sitter” who can remain sober and help during a trip.

In recent years, 2C-B has resurfaced in nightclubs across the country. It has gained popularity among a group of club goers who seek out the drug because of its reported psychedelic effects and low risks compared to other drugs such as heroin or crack cocaine. The resurgence of 2C-B can be attributed to its rising awareness on drug message boards and in popular culture, such as the 2018 Kanye West song “Yikes,” where the rapper sings about “Tweakin’ tweakin’ off that 2C-B.”

It is important to note that 2C-B should not be confused with the more dangerous 2C-P which has been linked to multiple overdose deaths and has been reported by law enforcement to have been used by Louella Fletcher-Michie during her death at Bestival 2017. 2C-P is currently being sold online by several darknet dealers. It is also available legally as a research chemical through legal sites aimed at scientists.

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